Newly released

The world was under a lot of stress due to the continual large scale wars. Although civilization allowed people to live in cities scattered across the universe, violence never stopped.

50 years ago, the demon queen led her invasion, and later came the virtual beasts. Both menaces were taken care of, however, the troubles with humans carries on.

Science and technology allowed people to alter their off spring's genes. Coordinators are people who are genetically adjusted and seemed to have better physical or mental attributes than normal natural borns.

The differences in abilities set the two types of people apart and grudges, as well as envy is the source of current strife.

Each camp, the Natural and the Coordinators, has their military force and war is about to start. Board your robot and get ready to enter battle. The mechas come from a mulitude of series, from the relatively new classic Gundam Seed to King Geiner.