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Thread: Upspear 0.15 released

  1. #1

    Default Upspear 0.15 released

    Upspear is an application to fully manage the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), from a PC. It's thought for PSPs with firmware 1.50, at least for the moment. Support for other firmwares may be added in the future, if you think you need it, convince me .

    Version 0.15 of Upspear has just been released.

    Changes WRT version 0.1test0 are as follows:

    - Implemented a quite good "Install homebrew" function.
    - Savedata can now be backed up to ZIP files.
    - Homebrew applications can now be reordered to user's preferences.
    - Application and savedata directories are now hidden in the GUI, an
    option to show them has been added to the menus.
    - Rewritten rename hacking detection, now supports more methods
    (including SeiPSPtool's, thanks to everybody who sent feedback for
    - Can now unhide applications.
    - Added a warning when hiding applications that have a chance of not
    working with hidden directory names.
    - Fixed utime() 'bug' on Windows, which caused pushing icons to
    bottom not to work (Maybe now this works on MacOS X too?).
    - Added "Disconnect PSP" option to menus.
    - Added application and savedata size to the GUI.
    - Added a "hidden" checkbox for applications.
    - Menus are now properly disabled when they should not be selected.
    - Added a method to build the GTK+ runtime environment for Windows from
    zipfiles provided on Also added GtkThemeSelector to it.
    - Changed version number scheme, removing the "test" part. Actually
    every release should be considered a test release .
    - Registered the project on Gna!.
    - Many bugfixes.

    Downloads are available on the program homepage at, where now we also have mailing lists, which every user is welcome to join. Of course feedback is appreciated .

  2. #2
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    awesome, im going to move this to the News forum and adjust your status so that in future you can post new releases directly as news

  3. #3


    thanks a lot .

  4. #4


    Seems Like an Awsome program,wish I could try,but I have a 2.6......Hehe Wish I could convince you!!!

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
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