Defect posted this news/release:

Just a quick update to let you know what's happening.

Rob is in the process of tracking down a cheap DS, if anyone is looking to sell a DS for a good price, drop us a line.

I'm working on optimizing all the Quake GFX for John's DSQuake project. There will be some memory limitations to overcome, so I've been hard at it taking the skin base frames and mirroring them which halves the texture size instantly. If the models are still quite large, only then have I reduced the texture size. In nearly every case, the models actually look better, as the textures map alot better now and appear to be higher in resolution.

The Quake skins are possibly the most un-optimized you will ever see, which is most likely due to lack of sufficient editing tools at the time. The on-screen weapons have poly's on the back and under side of the models, just begging to be trimmed by me. There are just a handful of models to go and then the entire shareware model collection have been fixed. There is an additional 18 models that were in the full retail version, but I will focus on the shareware models first.

Models such as the wall torches will be replaced with particle effects, and other polygon based effects like the lightning will be replaced with particles too. There are several large level textures that may need to be trimmed, but generally things are good. I think its going to look quite nice in the end, with top controls to-boot!

I am by no means a member of the DSQuake project, I'm simply helping out. I want to see Quake on the DS probably more so then John, which is why I'm helping. I hope there are some skilled programmers out there that are willing to lend a hand and help John with the engine work.

I'm really quite pumped over DSQuake, I cant wait to play with it.

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