In a interview with Planet Gears of War, Epic Games Vice President Mark Rein reveals that there will (hopefully) be a Gear of War Patch before Xmas

"The first update we do will be some housekeeping to take care of a few things we need to adjust. We hope to have that in the pipeline before too long. Unfortunately the certification group at Microsoft shuts down relatively early in December so we’re racing against the clock to try to get it finished and certified for release through the Xbox Live update system. Judging by all the great Xbox360 games that have been released recently these folks deserve to have a great holiday season!"

When asked about will bugs like the squished aspect ratio on non-widescreen VGA monitors, be fixed he said:

"It has already been fixed and we plan to ship it to users as part of that first housekeeping update I talked about earlier. We’re also fixing a few minor problems and making a few small changes and improvements. I don’t want to go into too many details because we have not finalized the update but once we know what made it in, and passed certification, we’ll put some news up on our forum which I’m sure will start other passionate threads about what we have/have not gotten around to so far. There is more to come for this game in the future."

Will other problems like the crap online match making (well compared to halo 2), will be fixed? only time will tell.

Gears of War: $59.90/£30.71