Crediar no end to perfect his cMIOS to enjoy the games Triforce (arcade version of the Gamecube), following recent donations (thank you to donors). Today, it adds the ability to run games from a USB storage device to the detriment of SD devices however (if you want to continue to run games from your SD, this update is not for you and you must remain in version 4.0) NOTE: this is a cMIOS which replaces the original mIOS (or Dios Mio / Dios Mio Lite)! Once installed, QuadForce will no longer launch the Gamecube games (to find the GC compatibility, it will be essential to reinstall the original mIOS or Dios Mio / Dios Mio Lite). For this purpose, it is recommended to install a virtualized QuadForce NAND.

Fixes / Changes:

- Added support for USB storage devices