Microsoft and Sony will implement slow and subtle move to online on next-gen hardware

The shift to extensive digital offerings on the Xbox One and PS4 will still happen despite Microsoft’s recent U-turn on its online and used games policies, says Cliff Bleszinski.
In a new blog post, the Gears of War creator said however, given the backlash against digital on consoles, the move would be slow and subtle.

He stated consumers could expect to start seeing more downloadable content and more microtransactions in games as the transition to digital takes place. He also said games sold digitally at the same time as retail could eventually be cheaper and come with extra benefits to tempt users away from packaged retail.
“So here’s what’s going to happen now that Microsoft has largely matched Sony’s (well played) move at E3,” said Bleszinski.
“The shift to digital is still going to happen (FOR BOTH) but it’s going to be slow and subtle. Suddenly more DLC will be made available. More microstransactions will appear. And Day One Digital will (hopefully) be cheaper and will have so many added bells and whistles that consumers (with reliable enough bandwidth) will have a hard time refusing the tasty downloadable edition over the disc based one.”