The many gamers buying an Xbox One for Titanfall (or don't mind the Xbox 360 and PC versions) can now mark a date on their calendars: EA says that the shooter will reach North America on March 11th, 2014. While that's more than four months away, the company is offering a Collector's Edition that just might encourage a few pre-orders among well-off players. If you can spend $250 -- yes, that's half as much as an Xbox One -- you'll get an 18-inch, LED-lit Atlas Titan figurine that's likely to be the centerpiece of your gaming den. You'll also receive an art book and a large schematic poster. You'll want to act quickly if you like the idea of a miniature (albeit stationary) robot, though. EA says that the Collector's Edition is available in "extremely limited" numbers, which suggests that supply will run out by launch day.