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Thread: ELSPA joins in fight against R4 copying device

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    NDS ELSPA joins in fight against R4 copying device

    via Joystiq

    We already know that Nintendo alone can't smash all the R4 devices that allow for easy downloading and piracy of DS games. But could the aid of Europe's ELSPA help Nintendo complete its total smashing plan? Probably not, but that hasn't stopped the European trade organization from lending its help to Nintendo in battling the widely available device.

    How exactly they'll help isn't yet clear, though. In a cryptically vague statement to MCV, ELSPA said they were "evaluating the R4 game copying device" and "working closely with [Nintendo] to consider the next step in the UK." While that statement doesn't reveal any concrete plans, it also doesn't rule out any potential "next step." S.W.A.T. team raids, tanks in the streets, nuclear strikes --they're all potential piracy-battling strategies that aren't eliminated by this statement. Pirates, start digging your fallout shelters ... NOW!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    The R4 isn't a "game copying device" and it's not the source of piracy. They need to go for the devices that actually do copy licensed games, not the devices that help fuel the homebrew community. But of course, Nintendo could care less about the homebrew community and they want to snuff out the pirates even if it means snuffing out legal homebrewers with them. I don't blame Nintendo for their actions, I blame pirates and I think they deserve all the punishment Nintendo throws at them.

  3. #3


    I am sure they don't mind shutting down the homebrew community either. Some people are developing original games and ideas that bury the current line of Nintedo's offerings.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro ____anders____'s Avatar
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    hehe, i'm gonna hide in my bombshelter for the rest of my life with my ds lite and r4 ;P

  5. #5


    The R4 isn't a "game copying device" and it's not the source of piracy. They need to go for the devices that actually do copy licensed games, not the devices that help fuel the homebrew community
    You say that, but R4 has far better commercial compatibility that it does homebrew computability hens the name AAARRRRGGGHHHH4!
    Homebrew does not seem to be the priority of the R4 (or most other cards for that matter), if the card manufacturers stressed and indeed stuck to being 'homebrew devices' there would not be thses arguments in the first place.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie
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    I was just going to say pretty much what Pilot_51 said. I challenge them to copy some games with just an R4, and then we'll talk. Or how about downloading some games with an R4? Either one would be interesting.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Eyedunno View Post
    how about downloading some games with an R4? Either one would be interesting.
    Thats like saying you'd only consider movie piracy a problem if you could download movies using a DVD player. The fact that people are able to play downloaded games on hardware is the problem.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Quote Originally Posted by williew705 View Post
    Some people are developing original games and ideas that bury the current line of Nintedo's offerings.
    So true. I've almost completely stopped playing my licensed games once I got my R4. I do however still want some official games and I got Phantom Hourglass for Christmas (it was on my wish list), but once I get bored of those games I go back to the homebrew and rarely look back. It's sort of a shame but in the end I think the homebrew community will come out strong and become separated from piracy and Nintendo will find a way to get along with the homebrew community without ripping people off (I hope).

    Quote Originally Posted by spinal_cord View Post
    You say that, but R4 has far better commercial compatibility that it does homebrew computability hens the name AAARRRRGGGHHHH4!
    Homebrew does not seem to be the priority of the R4 (or most other cards for that matter), if the card manufacturers stressed and indeed stuck to being 'homebrew devices' there would not be thses arguments in the first place.
    That's why I'm not going to promote the R4 any more. I mean the last 4 firmware updates only added support for commercial games and I'm still waiting for the SDHC support that they promised 4 versions ago.
    If anyone knows of a card that focuses on homebrew, I'd like to know.

    Quote Originally Posted by spinal_cord View Post
    Thats like saying you'd only consider movie piracy a problem if you could download movies using a DVD player. The fact that people are able to play downloaded games on hardware is the problem.
    I think he's getting at what's being attacked rather than what's causing the problem. DVD players work just like an R4 and they can play pirated movies, but nobody is attacking the DVD players because of piracy.

  9. #9


    If they take my R4, they'll take my jEnesisDS .

    If they had any sense, they'd go after the sites/people who upload their games onto the internet if they want to stop piracy. Not incredibly handy pieces of hardware like the R4.

  10. #10


    I like my R4, and my MMD. With a program a guy developed for the MMD, I was able to back up all of my commercial carts, and put them with save files on my R4. I can now take all of my games with me on one cart. That is handy, and convenient.

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