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Thread: CaSTaway/PSP release 004!

  1. #21


    Millenium 2.2 is very good; I think I need a third mouse speed option.. too slow for an all mouse game


  2. #22


    Super Sprint is very playable. (Sorry, just randomly checking a gfew favourites


  3. #23
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by parabolee
    I know but this guy knows his $#@!! This is the fastest progress I've seen an Emu take. After 2 weeks and 4 versions it's really close to the quality of the best of them.
    I agree... Unlike some other developers (who will remain nameless) who just port something over and then leave it at that. It is much better when a talented coder with an interest in improving the emu is involved.

    Coders seem to avoid emu's that have already been ported for fear of stepping on toes and this can lead to stagnation for certain systems.

  4. #24


    Hi guys...

    Well, I would like to add a little counter opinion to this.
    Yes, some do a porting and do not spend anymore time on it.
    Some do not even release the ported code.

    1/ May be there is not real optimization work possible except whole rewriting in assembly or big changes in the architecture.

    May be the author do not want to be involved in HUGE changes
    (= lot of free time necessary, a lot of NOT FUN things to do)

    Nor he may have the technical skills to do it.

    2/ Do not mistake FUNDAMENTAL changes and "MAKE-UP" changes.

    That's not because somebody release an emu three time a week that he is very active... Actually it is most likely that the person is working on "light" features, not "core" things.

    Please do not misunderstand what I am saying here, I am not talking about Skeezix. I am GENERALLY speaking.

    3/ If the source code is available and the author is not working on it anymore, do not complain, do it. If you want your dream emu, do it.

    That's what made us port the OpenSnes9xGP, that's what made us work on TYL.

    4/ Free time : most of the talented coders I know have a job, a girlfriend, even a wife and sometimes even kids (yes, I must admit that the geek species contribute also to the expansion of the human kind even if we are too much on this planet).
    When you work like 50 to 60 hours a week, motivation to work on such emu drops. People have obligation on their own... And you can not blame them for not working on the emu of your dream.

    So to make it short :
    Yes, people working on emu are not fair sometime, but you cant blame them for that.

  5. #25


    *g* Yep -- to sum up, sometimes you just want to play something, so you do a quick port and leave it as 'good enough'; but then someone else might realy love the system and 'do the hell out of it'; typically, when I port a Colecovision emulator, I do an 'okay' job of it .. it'll run great and look good and all, but I won't go for super-mega-pollish .. I like the Coleco, but its not top of myt books. But when I do Atari ST, its important to me so I go all out. To each their own, up to the limit of their commitments.

    I work 50-80 hours a week and have a wife, but I've also been doing Atari ST emulatoin a long long time so I can pull from numerous past projects -- this PSP edition is moving fast because its mostly chunks of GP32 and Palm OS code from a half dozen previous works. Theres no way I could've done all this in two weeks from scratch -- though thanks for believing Coding takes time, or we'd all be replaced very easily (well, outsourcing is hurting these days..) -- though I admit when you ram through this in two weeks, its a little on the sloppy side


    Buggy Boy!

  6. #26


    Posted an update..

    Caches the database now; no more long waits every time you go to disk picker. now you get hit just once, and it remembers forever.


  7. #27
    DCEmu Newbie
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    cool, thank you very much!

    it's really bad weather here today and i am so lazy.
    perfect day for testing new games

  8. #28


    AWESOME-O! Now I can put my ENTIRE Atari ST collection on my PSP!!!

    I'm going to work on a better Icon and backsplash too in the next few days. I played the Adventures of Robin Hood fro hours last night I almost finished it perfectly but I think the dragon ate Friar Tuck so I didn't get every single item and all the merry men. I've finished this game with the best ending you can get a whole bunch of times but I still love it. For those that have never played it, imagine a cross between god games like Populous and an open ended role playing game. Sure the story is limited but the freedom to do what you want in Robin Hoods little world and become a hero to the people or a villian is lots of fun. Plus I'm english and a big fan of Robin Hood as a hero and legend. He resembles everything a hero should be for me. Him and Spider-man

  9. #29
    DCEmu Rookie Mr.Modem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parabolee
    Thats cool but I already know what are good games for myself to play

    Just wondered what your favourite Atari St game were.

    Here's is my list (ignoring superior Amiga versions) and in no paticular order other than the order I thought of them, if anyone is interested in what games they should try, here are my recommendations -

    Sensible Soccer
    Player Manager
    Kick Off 2 Return to Europe
    Adventures of Robin Hood
    Populous 1 & 2
    New Zealand Story
    Rick Dangerous
    Secret of Monkey Island
    Batman the Movie
    Future Wars
    Addams family
    Another World
    Cannon Fodder
    Chaos Engine
    Mega Lo Mania
    Supercars 2
    Cruise for a Corpse
    Defender of the Crown
    Fernandez Must Die
    Frontier Elite 2
    Great Courts 2
    Hard Drivin' 2: Drive Harder
    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The Adventure Game
    Iron Lord
    Lemmings 2 the Tribes
    Maniac Mansion
    MUDS Mean Ugly Dirty Sport
    Operation Stealth
    Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
    Stunt Car Racer
    The Kristal

    Ok so I looked at a list to remember them all but these are just the ones I love, there are many other great games worth playing.
    Wow your list is almost exactly like mine except for a few more games:
    Lotus Esprit Turbo Challange
    Lotus Turbo Challange 2
    Super Cars
    Turrican 2

    These games work perfect in Castaway except that the sound is going a little bit fast in the Lotus games. Has this something to do with Pal / Ntsc? Also I've found that when you go into the menu the screen gets unscaled. It's not really a bug and it isn't annoying but if you have some time over, then fix it. It would also be nice if the sound would turn off when you go into the menu, it's very annoying to hear the same note play all the time. And finally Thank you for the disk cache version!!!

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Modem
    Wow your list is almost exactly like mine except for a few more games:
    Lotus Esprit Turbo Challange
    Lotus Turbo Challange 2
    Super Cars
    Turrican 2
    Yeah Rodland was good too.

    Lotus was good back then but car games from the 2D era aged really badly except top down ones like Supercars 2, 1 was really inferior to 2 so I only listed 2.

    And I meant to put Turrican 1 & 2, my bad. Such Classics, as good as Metroid easily.

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