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Thread: Wii Homebrew Loader Channel & SNES Channel - NO TIME LIMITS

  1. #31
    DCEmu Rookie R4mbo's Avatar
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    Jay, you are cool, thx man

  2. #32
    DCEmu Pro ____anders____'s Avatar
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    yeah, but still i give all credits to the original authors, but i will say thanks anyway

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by DimensionT View Post
    I know damn well I wouldn't release anything if I knew someone would just hack into it. Making it do things I didn't want or wasn't ready for it to do.
    Erm...not that I want to be argumentative...and also, I respect your wishes to do what you want...but this line here...

    ...Why are you into the homebrew scene if you don't agree to this?I mean, the entire basis of homebrew (For console/handhelds, anyway) is hacking into the console to make it run unsigned code that the console devs never intended for it to run. I'm sorry, but what you say here is just somewhat hypocritical, coming from someone who seems to hang around a homebrew fansite.

    On the subject of respecting the original coders of the project... I'm all for respecting them; were I a programmer I would never steal their code and put it into my own programs. However, as an end-user, I just go for the programs that provide the most convenience and use to me. I understand the dangers of running this Homebrew channel without the time limit, and I accept the dangers. It's my responsibility if my anxiety causes me to get my Wii bricked, and I wouldn't blame the coders of the original Wii Homebrew Channel if anything went wrong.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by mogwaimon View Post
    However, as an end-user, I just go for the programs that provide the most convenience and use to me.
    This is what bugs me most about the people around here now a days. They all want want want, and don't care about what needs to be done for them to get it. Then once they get it, they don't give a damn about the scene until the next big thing happens.

    What you said about hacking into the console is somewhat right... But that in no way makes my hypocritical.

    Look at it this way. Nintendo doesn't want people running homebrew, what do they do? Fix it. Coders don't want people hacking their programs, what do they do? Stop making them.

    Both of these are bad for the scene. One of them is within our control (I'll let you guess which one).

  5. #35
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    This is what bugs me most about the people around here now a days. They all want want want, and don't care about what needs to be done for them to get it. Then once they get it, they don't give a damn about the scene until the next big thing happens.
    Admittedly, I'm a bit like this, unless something that interests me is going on in the scene, such as a new SNES emulator release for PSP or some such, I usually don't do much with homebrew.

    However, I also don't go around bugging the coders of said projects to go and add features in that they don't intend to add, nor do I rush them like others do with a 'It's been 2 days since last I asked, when is the next release?' or some such. I figure that I'm merely using the program; my input has little bearing on the final product, and I AM getting it for free, so I'm grateful for that.

    As for the difference between Big N and coders you cited in your post, I had a reply typed out, but it made me look like a fool, so I don't think I'm gonna leave it in XD Long story short; hacking is a part of programming that all programmers must deal with.

  6. #36
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    I'll abstain from the project as well as getting too much into bickering about this. There are coders who are well known in this scene and whose work I respect. There are coders in this scene who aren't that well known (at least to me) and I'm skeptical to try their work. I've used some of vicious' apps and really appreciate his hard work. As for this release...I just see it as going against the wishes of some people who have really launched the Wii homebrew scene. I may not know their reasons for the time limit, but I'll trust they had good ones. I'll wait for an official release.

    I do however also want to say that I fully encourage people to dive into this stuff and play around with the code. I think it's a great way to learn and a great way to contribute.

    One last thing, in my opinion it's a total load to say that you're going to use this so you don't burn out your DVD motor. If you were really that concerned about your Wii, you wouldn't be screwing with third party software in the first place, especially while it's still in its infancy. While a benefit of using this might be stopping your DVD motor, it doesn't come close to negating all the potential risks you run by using these hacks.

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by mogwaimon View Post
    hacking is a part of programming that all programmers must deal with.
    This is definitely true, they even do it in school. What you should be doing is posting bugs, little suggestions and waiting patiently, otherwise you can try to do one yourself.

    Thank you to everyone who's been donating their time and skills to the Homebrew scene, you're all doing great work. Keep it up.

  8. #38
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    Two quick questions. First, regarding the Twilight Hack. When the ELF Loader is finished loading the homebrew application, I take the disc out, and was just wondering if this was safe to do, or if it could actually damage the Wii somehow? Also, Jay_PaRaDoX, is it possible to make an ELF installer for the SNES channel? That's a channel I would actually be interested in using.

    Regarding this thread, I pretty much agree with DimensionT and tehnoir. I don't discourage people from using these programs, but I, personally, will be waiting for an 'official' release from Team Twiizers. I have been following that ElOtroLado thread for the past few days, and, if I understand correctly, all you did was remove the ten minute limit, and left everything else the same. I believe the ten minute limit is there for a reason, and if they felt an unrestricted version was ready to be released, they would have done so. I also don't necessarily agree with hacking their work without consulting them, but there isn't much you can do about that anyway...
    Last edited by h2923j42n2; April 13th, 2008 at 07:52.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by trelantana View Post
    I highly recommend this, because when booting homebrew with the channel instead of using the Twilight hack, the DVD motor isn't always spinning. And I'm afraid that having it constantly spinning *might* damage the system.

    The original authors may not like the fact that the time limit has been removed, but I still highly respect them for their accomplishment, and will gladly use their official version when it comes out.

    I'm switching to this for now, though, because I have a tendency to leave my consoles on overnight, and if having the dvd motor on that long causes any damage, I don't want it to happen.
    if you eject the zelda disk the motor stop and you can play elf

  10. #40
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    Erm...not that I want to be argumentative...and also, I respect your wishes to do what you want...but this line here...

    ...Why are you into the homebrew scene if you don't agree to this?I mean, the entire basis of homebrew (For console/handhelds, anyway) is hacking into the console to make it run unsigned code that the console devs never intended for it to run. I'm sorry, but what you say here is just somewhat hypocritical, coming from someone who seems to hang around a homebrew fansite.
    here is the difference: there is a technical challenge in hacking a console to run unsigned code and access their peripheral as there is no official documentation

    hacking the twiizer channel to remove the time limit when tool/technical stuff to uncrypt/recrypt Wii files has already been released is not

    What you seem not to understand is that most (if not ALL) of the current Wii knowledge we have actually is due to the Twiizer team researches and releases

    We, as developpers, only use the provided tools and library (thanks to libogc team, without them, homebrew developpment would not have been so easy), that's all and there is absolutely no magic in there

    End-users often only see the final product and what it can bring to them personnally right NOW, but try to think on a longer period sometime...

    What do you think would happen if they get sick of people hacking their work or harassing them with impatient request ?

    So even if you see the interess actually, there is really no interess for anybody in doing such thing against the will of original authors

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