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Thread: Wii Homebrew Loader Channel & SNES Channel - NO TIME LIMITS

  1. #41
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Don't get me wrong, I respect the Twiizer team. Their accomplishments are quite commendable, as it is definitely not easy to crack open a console in this day and age of heightened security. I think they are boss. But trying to say that there is a difference between hacking a console to do something it was never intended to do and hacking a program to do something it was never intended to's just folly. Regardless of the challenge involved (Removing some coding that puts in a 10 min. time limit < finding a security vulnerability on a system that is capable of being patched on the fly and then exploiting it) it's still the same basis.

    Still, though, I do agree that Jay or whomever actually did the hacking should have talked to the Twiizer team first rather than telling them after, 'Oh, hey, we cracked your channel and released it over the internet, is that cool with you?' That wasn't very good.

    I won't say anything more on the subject, as my thoughts on it make me out to be a bad guy, when all I'm doing is using a channel someone released on the internet while waiting for the official one to show up because if I were to run homebrew on my Wii, I'd have to bum my friend's copy of TP off him every time because I don't own Twilight Princess myself.

  2. #42
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    The thing about the motor spinning. I can't believe people are already using this to justify something that isn't quite right.

    It'll soon become the excuse for piracy. "I don't want the motor to keep spinning because it may wear it out." Yeah sure - the fact its designed to have high wear and to be used in normal use doesn't make any difference does it?

    I'll be waiting for the day...


  3. #43
    DCEmu Newbie shango46's Avatar
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    This is quite the interesting development. Now, what my main concern is if this will be addressed by Nintendo in the form of an udate that will end up screwing up my Wii or block me from updating as new things come out.

    I do believe I will wait until there is an official one released that states it has no undesired effects.

  4. #44


    Bah you all broke me. I'm not going to download it..I respect what team twiizers has done and I'll be paient

    for those of you who don't know, the reason they have the 10min limit:

    Q: Why the ten-minute time limit?

    A: Because it's an ugly, crude version that pales in comparison to what we hope to release in the near future. Think of it as something halfway between a "sneak preview" and an April Fool's joke that nobody else found funny. Our bad.

    (For the record, we are also uncomfortable releasing something for general consumption until we've had more of a chance to test it with IOS37. You've been warned.) "
    Last edited by myownfreeworld; April 14th, 2008 at 23:32.

  5. #45


    I'm trying to find respect for the makers of the channel, but it seems that I have a hard time. These people seem to almost be counter-productive in some ways. Sure, they do an incredibly awesome feat by hacking a console with very tight security, but they are treating other members of the homebrew community like end users for commercial developers. I'd like to think that everyone in the community cares about building a strong homebrew community, sharing their work so that others can reuse parts to make even better code, etc, but that's not how the Wii scene is going at the moment. In a "perfect homebrew community," the Wii TP loader would be open source, there would be templates for custom channel design, etc. Instead we have one group who knows everything putting out limited time use binaries for other members of the community to play around with but they put unnecessary limits (such as the time thing). All you need is something like "ATTENTION: We are not responsible for any damage to your Wii, whether hardware or software damage. If your Wii bricks, it's not our fault. Use at your own risk" on the download page, in the readme, and before it installs. That way, should an update or whatever brick it, not their fault. The best thing for the community is code that is readily available, a solid documentation on how the hacks work, and a community united for the purpose of making homebrew, not yelling at each other because they copied someone's work, not putting unnecessary limits on releases just to be funny, not any of this.

    That's one of the things I love about the Linux community, as soon as a final version of a new distribution ships, you can go in and grab the sources or binaries for the beginnings of the next edition and start playing around. All of the source code is open to those who need it (except for corporations who use proprietary software, but try to avoid those and you'll be fine).

    If the whole reason the time limit was implemented was to make people want to upgrade when the next version comes out, they need not worry. Everyone's desperately waiting for the new update anyways. I just want to see the scene become a helpful community going in the direction of programming and supporting homebrew, not "bragging" about their accomplishments. (I don't see twiizers as necessarily "bragging", but they want more credit for themselves than a lot of developers do). I respect them for their skill at programming and getting the Wii to run, but I don't care for their attitude toward the community.

    Take the DS homebrew community, for example...Chishm released a testing version of his Games n' Music patch right after he created it, asking for help testing it. I had just got a GnM and tested. I respect his actions because he made his software and source available and he was friendly about it.

    So yes, I'm going to use this version, because it works. What's best for the community is something that works, because we can update when we need to and not have to go through unnecessary steps to load or test new apps.

  6. #46


    Your logic is greatly flawed.

    The reason they don't provide the source for the Twilight hack is because of people like the one who hacked VC. There's no reason for it. What else could be done?

    "I'd like to think that everyone in the community cares about building a strong homebrew community, sharing their work so that others can reuse parts to make even better code, etc, but that's not how the Wii scene is going at the moment."

    If this was right, they would not have released anything at all. They would've kept it for them selves... But, they were kind enough to post it online for everyone to use. Still, that comment is counter intuitive with other things you said.

    "So yes, I'm going to use this version, because it works. What's best for the community is something that works, because we can update when we need to and not have to go through unnecessary steps to load or test new apps."

    A "strong homebrew community" is not based on people exploiting other coders' work. In fact, it's quite the oposite. I dunno how many times I've said it, but I've been around long enough to see this happen before. All hacks like this do is make the users happy. Coders get pissed off and leave the scene because of $#@! like this. What's good about that?

    Saying you're going to use it show me (and I hope others) that you don't actually care enough about the scene to respect others' work. If they wish it not to be hacked, then it should NOT be hacked.

    Your view on why the time limit was added is not correct either. There IS a disclaimer. Seriously though... How many people out of the ones that download homebrew read disclaimers? They did the right thing by adding a limit. The protected the people too incompitent to read the warnings.

    Respect for coders is what the scene is REALLY all about... And to me, that's something you and too many other people don't have. You said so yourself.

  7. #47


    Personally, I think the original coders deserve even more respect for only being a little pissed and not completely outraged at this. I have to admit, if someone hacked into my programs when I had already said "just be patient" I wouldn't be happy either. Personally I hope that they will still continue work on their original version and their version trumps anyone else's work.

    Note to the original authors of this program: Thank you for all of the hard work you put into making it, and even though it's not my place, I'm sorry someone decided to usurp your work in any way, I hope this experience doesn't chase you and others like you from the Homebrew scene. You do excellent work and I hope to see more in the future.

  8. #48
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Rawr, my channel gets stuck after I use the homebrew to load up the other elf files. After I hit A when it asks to, it loads up some code and goes up to a point where it looks like this:

    80a0cc2c--> 80a0cc20-->80a0d988--> 80a0dec4-->
    80a0c638--> 80a00154--> 80a1c01c

    Can anybody help me out on this?

  9. #49
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Personally, I would like to apologize to the Twilight hack devs for being to anxious and using this program. Had I realized this was not condoned, and once I did realize and took the time to think about what bad things this could do to my wii. I deleted the channel immediately, out of respect for the devs and because they have respect for the users. A time limit was put in place to protect us, to keep those overzealous like my self from hurting themselves. I have learned a lesson, and I hope other users will as well take the time a learn what you are getting yourself into before you do it. I hope all of the devs can work to gether to accomplish great things so that we all don't have sub-par crap running on our beloved consoles. Thank you all.

  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by halatosis View Post
    Personally, I would like to apologize to the Twilight hack devs for being to anxious and using this program. Had I realized this was not condoned, and once I did realize and took the time to think about what bad things this could do to my wii. I deleted the channel immediately, out of respect for the devs and because they have respect for the users. A time limit was put in place to protect us, to keep those overzealous like my self from hurting themselves. I have learned a lesson, and I hope other users will as well take the time a learn what you are getting yourself into before you do it. I hope all of the devs can work to gether to accomplish great things so that we all don't have sub-par crap running on our beloved consoles. Thank you all.

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