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Thread: What Game Makes You Pull Your Hair Out?

  1. #21
    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    Lots of games made me pull my hair out, lets see:

    - GOW 1 in god mode, on the final battle kratos clones are virtually invincible, I saw a technique on youtube on how to beat them but is too damn hard

    - Ridge racer, some races that I can't beat, only after 20 attempts

    - Final Fantasy X, getting "Sun Sigil", I think, well the damn thing to make the ultimate weapons for Tidus. Beating Chocobo race with a time of "0" seconds was hard as hell but I got it.

    - BLACK, can't beat the last mission, not even on easy mode, there is too many bad guys shooting at me on a closed room, How am I supposed to beat that

    - GOW COO, Hades challenges were too hard, specially the one were you can't get hit, but finally beated everyone of them

  2. #22
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Trying to beat the black car in Ridge Racer1.

    All platinum awards in Project Gotham Racing 2.

    People ramming while racing online in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.

    Level 4 in Space Channel 5

  3. #23
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    i smacked my keyboard about 5 times full whack playing Gunz : The duel.. i kept dying and got pee'd offf and i smashed a few keys out.

  4. #24
    PSP User Mr Corky's Avatar
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    Dj Max Portable 1, I feel like pegging my PSP at the wall sometimes. It's not like I'm no good at the game or anthing, its just with the harder songs, when you lose, it will say "YOU NEED MORE PRACTICE" and I just go loco!

  5. #25
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Friday the 13th for the NES, I'd rather have Kimbo Slice kick me in my face then ever half to play that game again. The most recent game is Ultimate Ghosts n' Goblins for the PSP on ultimate difficulty, it's the hardest game I've ever played in my life(at least it's really good though, friday the 13th just all around sucks)

  6. #26
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    OK, the game is fun and I did manage to pass a few levels, but in the later levels you will have a hard time finding the targets you have to shoot as the sniper guy, and making those difficult jumps as the professor. OK, this is still not too bad, but here is the icing on the cake:

    I eventually reached one point where in order to get to the next checkpoint I have to navigate a short maze (no problem there), then find a couple of grates at the top of stacks of boxes in dark areas where they are almost impossible to see, and climb up to them while enemies respawn and keep taking potshots at me (ok, this is rediculous, but I eventually managed to do it through trial and error), and then fly using a jetpack while following a fuel pump that moves rapidly and makes sharp turns, where one miss will mean you die. And all this before I can reach the next checkpoint, meaning I will have to do it all over again when I die. At that point I had to give up for the sake of my sanity.


    OK, this game is not difficult at all. And it has a cool battle system and nice looking monsters that you can command. And the characters are ok as well. But here is the part that really sucks:

    In order to progress in the game, you have to scan the ground for fossils and minerals. But here's the catch: The creatures you use to scan the ground can only scan up to two steps around it. That means you have to keep stopping and pressing the R button to scan the area every 2 steps, and you do this for 80% to 90% of the time you are playing the game.

  7. #27
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    For me.... well, any games that got real annoying places in it really. If specifics are required, maybe Sonic 3 was taking the mick in the Carnival Night Zone act 2 playing as either Sonic or Tails. I couldn't get past some stupid spinning drum for ages until after a long time when it was so simple as to jump on it a few times, then move up and down on the D-pad. I thought, "No way, that simple? Arrrgh!".

    Recent stuff, not much but on Sonic Rush Adevnute for DS, some of the time missions took ages to complete as you needed to be real fast on the draw. I have managed to get past all that and beat the game so it was still all good. Made me wanted to break the machine at times though but if I did that would have been a real waste of £100.

  8. #28


    teenage mutant ninja turtles....nes

    that steamroller thing kills all mah turtles in the first 5 minutes of playing

  9. #29
    DCEmu Newbie littlecoopsxxx's Avatar
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    I have to make a confession! I suck at WARCRAFT GAMES! ok not really much of a confession but I have spent many months trying to get in to them, in an attemt to kick ma bros ass at something!But I don't think it's possible, this boy is a gaming genius. I was intrigued by his Warcraft games and began to spend several long nights trainging my self...but It just didn't work..they are mindboggling and well hate to offend any one but frankly pointless and unsatisfaying, or am I just saying that because I am useless???probably.Ahhhh hate loosing to my brother, if anyone can help me, plz don't hesitate to throw advice my way.

  10. #30
    DCEmu Regular kojiro7's Avatar
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    equinox on snes....hell game

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