Its nice to be back newsposting and get away from the anxieties of life and this is a little news story that i obviously have not seen before but cool anyway. Someone has modded a Gameboy and stuck a raspberry pie inside it to make a rather awesome retro gaming machine. Check out this video:

Heres the info:

Kites' SUPER AIO Demo. See the thread here for more information:


This PCB makes it super easy to get RetroPie working, in the video I show the layout and design that I created, how some of the features work, and then take it apart to show you the insides!

The screen is VERY clear, the camera makes it appear a bit strange (I think the term is "banding"). You'll just have to take my word for it but it is pixel perfect (320x240).

This project is currently a PROTOTYPE, subscribe to the sudomod thread for updates. The populated PCB (NOT a ready built GBZ) will be available soon!