A new Nes Emulator has been released in the GO Language:

The language GO has become very popular recently, as its just as simple to learn as BASIC was, and to show off how easy it is @rbaron has written an NES Emulator called awesomenes in GO and you can check it out below, and start to enjoy some retro gaming on your GO compatible device and at the same time study how he did it to program something cool yourself in GO.
Getting and running

awesomenes uses sld2 for rendering and input processing. It may be necessary to install it beforehand. On macOS, using homebrew:

$ brew install sdl2
Other systems/package managers should provide similar sld2/libsdl2 packages. Then use the go get:

$ go get github.com/rbaron/awesomenes
$ awesomenes MY_ROM.nes

Games that use the mapper 0 (NROM) mostly work, although without audio so far. Games that use mapper 4 (mmc3) should work with some eventual glitches.

Tested games:

  • Donkey Kong (NROM)
  • Super Mario Bros. (NROM)
  • Super Mario Bros. 2 (mmc3)
  • Super Mario Bros. 3 (mmc3, with some glitches)

Controller inputs
Keyboard (controller 1)

Arrow keys -> NES arrows
A -> NES A
S -> NES B
Enter -> NES start
Right shift -> NES select

Nintendo Switch Joycon (controller 1)

Directional -> NES arrows
Down arrow -> NES A
Right arrow -> NES B
SL -> NES select
SR -> NES start


✅ CPU emulation
✅ Video support (picture processing unit - PPU)
✅ Keyboard input
✅ Mapper 0
✅ Joystick input (tested with Nintendo Switch Joycon)
✅ Mapper 4 (...kinda)
➖ More mappers
➖ Save state
➖ Audio support (audio processing unit - APU)


All the information used to build this emulator was found on the awesome nesdev wiki.

OFFICIAL SITE: --> https://github.com/rbaron/awesomenes

via http://www.maxconsole.com/threads/an...n-in-go.46759/