Cpasjuste offers version 3.4 of " pNES ", port of the Nestopia emulator for the nintendo Switch.
pNES offers an excellent user interface with screenshots and information on roms, based on that of pFBA .

pNES 3.4

pfba: add spectrum hardware roms filter
pfba: fix spectrum rpm not detected / handled correctly
pfb: fix crash on some rs (Forgotten Worlds cps1, gaiapols ...)
pfba: remove now unnecessary force 50hz option
pfba: update fba to latest git (2019-03-28)
psnes: update to latest git snes9x (2019-03-28)
psnes: fix save states loading
psnes: use bigger font size for menus
psnes: fix crash in Some games (cool world ...)
psnes / pnes: fix uppercase roms not detected
pemu: menu: add main / roms options
delimit pemu: menu: make options values
pemu: fix a inputs changing with roms inputs change