• Since the new 'red box' Mariko units appeared, people have been asking when will it be possible to run CFW on it, well today MaxConsole was in touch with trusted TX reseller, that been given some advance news on a new solution that is coming soon, and that it infact works on all new Switch models, not just the 'patched' ones, but even the 'mariko', and 'lite' models as well, see below what they mentioned:
    TX has recently taken the time to demonstrate to us some of their Work-In-Progress. Notably for 'patched' and 'mariko' units which is very advanced, and works flawlessly. We were not given a firm date or prices yet, but knowing TX we know the price will be very reasonable. We also saw early beta for Switch Lite console as well.
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    So that above is great news, and we will have more in the coming weeks, as we have requested to get an early sample from the trusted TX reseller, so that we can share more info with our loyal readers, on how TX's new solution works and what is involved and pics of course!
