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Thread: "iPhone could kill Nintendo DS", says report

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    NDS "iPhone could kill Nintendo DS", says report

    via Computer and Video Games

    The introduction of gaming to Apple's iPhone could "kill" Nintendo DS's success, claims a report in Forbes magazine.

    The article, titled 'Why Apple Could Kill The Nintendo DS', says that the iPhone's combination of motion sensing and touch-screen tech could leave it as a more desirable format for both consumers and developers.

    The comes before an expected announcement from Apple this Monday, where boss Steve Jobs "will likely launch a long-promised feature, dubbed the App Store, which will let outside developers pour software into the iPhone and iPod Touch".

    "The ability to pour fresh software into the iPhone, wirelessly, at the touch of a button already has game developers interested," says Forbes.

    "Apple is the first to master a pair of tricks that have made Nintendo's latest products so compelling; a touch-screen interface and the ability to pick up on motion. The key difference: Unlike Nintendo, which has created a gaming console with a motion-sensitive controller and a touch-sensitive handheld gaming system, Apple has crammed both capabilities into its iPhone and iPod Touch"

    Ubisoft, Electronic Arts and Sega are already signed up to make games for iPhone, and if sales catch on as much as industry analysts expect them too, the handheld arena could well and truly be in for a shake up.

    "Looks like the handheld gaming business, so long dominated by Nintendo, could be about to undergo a little evolution too," boldy claims Forbes.

    Peeking at Nintendo's current sales figures, we wouldn't chuck your DS in the bin just yet, though...
    Last edited by Shrygue; June 11th, 2008 at 19:40.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular goshogun1's Avatar
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    Somehow I am doubtful the iphone is gonna "kill" the DS anytime soon. Nintendo,Squareenix,Konami,Capcom, and many others are sure to prevent that from happening. Just sounds like more lame predictions from Forbes. Kinda like their headline, "Will GTAIV threaten the Wii?". I am sure it will be powerful, but I doubt there will be a flood of games coming out for it.

  3. #3


    who buys a games console on contract?

    somehow, i can't even see the iphone tackling the psp

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie goity's Avatar
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    All the kids can afford an iphone and contract to play their virtual pet games!

  5. #5
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Ho ho ho.

    There are some great game experiences on the iPhone, definitely (labyrinth), but Nintendo shouldn't go back to selling playing cards just yet!

    For one thing, the scale of the iPhone sales is nowhere near that of the DS. They are also entirely different markets. Likewise, how many times have you changed your phone since buying a DS? (3 for me). That's the problem with phones - you kind of want them to be something you don't have to invest your life in, as you're likely to get rid of it after 12-18 months.

    Anyway, back to the iphone. The lack of buttons severely restricts the game paradigms available that will be playable. Emulators on it suck donkeys (no disrespect to the authors - you do a great job, but no buttons = no fun IMHO).

    I think the iphone's target audience might buy the occasional game through the Appstore, but it will be just that - the occasional game.

    I decided against getting an iphone - way too expensive for me, and I love my WM6 phone. I did get an ipod touch though, which gives me access to all of the iphone stuff. Equally I'm more likely to keep the ipod for several years, unlike a phone. I do love it, but for games I always reach for my DS.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Pro
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    lulz, the only thing that could even come close to competing with the two current handhelds (NDS;PSP) is the upcoming Pandora gaming system.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Old Pro mcdougall57's Avatar
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    £300 and a contract.. yea right

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie limming's Avatar
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    iPhone won't even put a dent in Nintendo's DS sales, let alone kill it! The iPhone wasn't made for gamers. Nobody (except a few strange people who perhaps don't know that the DS or PSP exist) would buy one just to play minigames on it.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    The writer of the article obviously isn't a gamer.

    Remember the Nokia phone/game thing? I can't even remember what it was called.

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