the beginning of December, the folks behind Yuzu delivered one of the most-requested features for the emulator which was Vulkan rendering but kept it exclusive to Early Access (Patreon) builds to iron out larger issues and incentivise more people into donating. Now, the Vulkan graphics renderer has been merged into Yuzu’s main branch meaning that public builds of the emulator now include it; this primarily results in notable performance boosts for AMD GPU users and moderate ones for Intel GPU users since Vulkan support on these platforms is better than that of OpenGL. As usual, it must be noted that you still need a relatively powerful computer to be able to play even simpler Switch titles and Vulkan rendering won’t do any miracles if you’re using a PC that’s not up to scratch!

You may read more about Vulkan rendering in Yuzu by checking out this blog post on the matter. Mainline (public) builds containing the Vulkan rendering backend can be found here. You may donate to Yuzu via Patreon.