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Thread: Go Explore and Holux = possible

  1. #1
    DCEmu Regular
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    Default Go Explore and Holux = possible

    First things first.

    The long awaited Go!Explore is finally there.

    I was very inquisitive when the first leak came out.

    It's a bit a sloppy service from $ony, selling it for this much money.

    Let's get to the facts:

    -Go!Explore is just an edited IGO 2008 for PDA's
    -It works with FBL maps
    -Skins etc can be edited easily
    -There are some protections build in
    -Having your own voice in is possible
    -Holux is possible, but not YET.


    In the past i told you Nieko and i have worked many many hours on the Go Explore Beta.

    Now the final is out, and we've managed to tear it apart and now how it works.

    In fact, Holux devices CAN work, as long as some files are edited.

    I can't help you out supplying the files, because of the forum rules AND guidelines.

    But i can supply a little manual.


    because i havn't got an holux...

    So somebody have to edit it, themselfs !


    There are many variations in the final and beta (v0.0.8). The Beta is much more suitable for editing, but also less polished. So it's upto you.

    The file structure.

    1 BUY Go!Explore, they deserve the money.
    2 Rip the iso to your pc with whatever program.
    3 Open it up with UMDGEN 4.0
    4 Everything in SYSDIR can be dummied, you won't need the update to firmware 3.80
    5 in USRDIR it is as follows:

    * SYS.txt : nothing spectacular
    * Klavika.ttf - a font specific for the program, maybe it can be altered.
    * READHELPER.IDX Helps reading the files.
    * READHELPER.DAT Filestructure list for the IDX reader.

    They must be removed. Otherwise you can't load your own files. Editing of the .DAT doesn't work. The LBA (Logical Boot Adress) is changed then.
    IF Readhelper files are removed, loading will go slower, but it's not terrible.

    * open these and you will find some images to edit. Very easy with photoshop.

    * LICENSE a directory with the famous LIC0.LIC. This file isn't hacked yet. It contains the serial numbers for the different maps, and the location of where they are stored in the ISO. This is a VERY crucial file. If the lic0.lic from the beta is supplied, it will only load the london and ireland maps.

    *DEVICE.NNG a file which isn't different in beta and or final version of Go!explore. Says that it's a PSP



    * BUILDING, a directory fully loaded with .3DC files. Can be swapped with IGO files you'll find around the internet i think.
    Also contains .3DL files. Same as .3DC

    *DEM directory. Loads the whole World. You can use the Britishisles.DEM from the Beta version of Go!Explore

    *LANG, a directory for languages. Languages can be removed if you don't need them. If you try to select them in game, sometimes the game chrashes. OR you won't see them if they aren't present. Both variations occur.

    * Map, the famous maps directory. Maps can be switched with IGO maps you will find around the net. Don't know if it works. BUT you can swap .fbl maps from the beta of go explore into the final and backwards. That was the whole purpose of this hack, make the maps work in other Go!Explore versions :thumbup:

    *POI, some points of interest. Can be edited with PC program POIEdit.

    *Speedcam, contains the SPEEDCAMUPDATES.SPUD.
    This file is old. You can swap it with a newer one found on google.

    *Texture, please leave this directory alone. It contains the textures for the program. Don't know if they can be swapped or edited. Try it yourself.

    *VOICE, famous voice directory. Contains various zip files which can be edited. See google for tutorials onto that.


    DATA.ZIP, the file which contains a lot of sloppy work from $ony. You see $ony left the HP iPaQ ini files still hidden there.

    Contains various files

    *FF_Keymap.txt, this is a file that maps the psp buttons to the IGO program. Don't mess around with it

    *CTYPE.DAT, not important
    *AUDIOPSP, contains some bleeps and other audio things. Can be edited, search google for tutorials.

    *CONFIG directory

    contains _xxx.XPD files. They serve as indicator for road colors etc etc. Edit at own risk !

    *Contains many other files self explanatory. Try opening them with Notepad and edit if you like

    *GFX, a directory full of sprites and other images used in Go!Explore. Edit them if you like.

    *i18n, unknown.

    *UI_PSP, the whole UI. Contains also some scripts. Don't know how they work. See UI_PSP > Common > UI and then 7Setting.ui.

    Contains GPSAUTODETECT. But don't know how it works.


    So now the burning question, how to make Holux work ?

    From the experience that i have, make sure you have a mapthis working with holux at first.

    Edit then the following files:


    and make it:

    protocol = "NMEA"
    port = 1
    baud = 4800

    Or edit the DEVICE = Holux, and make the Holux.ini yourself in the DATA.ZIP > Config > Devices.

    Hope that helps a bit.

    NO PM's to me for further assistance !

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular
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    This is the ONLY place for any help, not in PM's or in e-mails.
    PM's won't be answered.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default help

    whenever i dummy everything in sysdir it the iso doesnt work anymore. How should i change the sys_pc.text??? delete everything in it then add what you posted? Then i have to delete the sys.txt and the other 3 files you said correct?? Can you just be a little more detailed on how to get the holux working with it?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Regular
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    Go to the UMD properties tab of UMD GEN and then select the OPTIMIZE button in the left corner.

    That will dummy the update.

    An in the SYS file, just ADD those lines under [GPS] line, which is already present there.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Great Work.

    If i obtain the .dem and .fbl files for australia, will that suffice??

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Nice post !

    I was looking foward to see that kind of info.

    I've been messing with the Go!Explore ISO from some time now... but I didn't get that much !

    I'm still trying to add the Canada (or USA ?) map into it and I think the only possible solution is to "hack" the LIC file.

    Have you any plan or some work going on this ?

    Thanks !

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    OK - So far heres what i have done:

    placed australia.fbl and .dem to the appropriate folders.

    Deleted the 4 files.

    Dummied the update folder.

    Ccreated the iso and dumped on the psp.

    When i load the software, it loads up, then it goes back to XMB prior to the menue asking for the language.

    So i readded the 4 deleted files and it loaded but i cuoldnt select the fbl and dem i added (as explained in the orignal post)

    So my next test is to rename the australia files to something already existing like austria [looks similar i guess].

    Ill repost later on tonight with my findings

  8. #8
    DCEmu Regular
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    That won't work as the LAT / LON are different.

    You deleted 4 files ?

    Not good.

    I said ONLY the Readhelper.idx and readhelper.dat

    Then you must edit the SYS_PC for the Holux to work.

    The maps can be replaced by deleting for example Belgium.FBL and inserting an other Belgium.FBL

    Good luck.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Ah Ok - 2 files not 4.

    Thats better.

    I deleted Austria.dem and Austria.fbl

    I renamed my 'Australia' files to 'Austria' and copied them over.

    My dem file = 129Mb
    My fbl file = 70.7Mb

    THe software now works, the GPS picks up satelliets and tells me my altitude, speed etc.

    I go to Explore, then i press start button to show me where i am.

    Everything looks black, so i zoom out.

    hey presto, some things working, but not 100%.

    Its definitely showing me where i am in australia but the entire county is black, no roads, no nothing, and i can only see the water.


  10. #10
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I got the same exact result some weeks ago.

    As of now (correct me if im wrong) you can't "add" new country to this version of Go!Explore.

    You can update the current countries map (Belgium for exemple) but you can't "add" a non present countries.

    Some work need to be done on the .LIC file to enable other country and this is outside of my abilities.

    The GPS part always worked fine for me, but as you said, it's a roadless/visualess representation of the country.

    Here are some idea someone might want to try (I didn't... it's kinda out of my abalities) :

    Get the header of the Belgium map (fbl) (or any map in the original ISO) and replace the one present in "your country" fbl.
    Rename to Belgium.fbl replace the original...
    Delete the chaching files (idx & ...)

    If this doesn't work... it might be the filesize :
    Find an fbl file bigger than your target fbl file.
    Same as above...

    Anyway, the only other solution I see would be to replace de LIC file from one of the worldwide IGO software... but I've tryed a fast "copy and replace" and it crash the game on startup...

    Or... decrypt the LIC file ?

    Thanks for the info anyway !

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