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Thread: Nintendo MotionPlus hands-on: blah.

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Rev Nintendo MotionPlus hands-on: blah.

    via Engadget

    So yeah, we got a chance to check out Nintendo's new MotionPlus accessory. We're a little confused though. So Wii Sports Resort is the only title announced right now that requires (or supports) MotionPlus, and we gave a couple of the games a run (like sword fighting and jet-skiing). Basically we're at a complete loss as to how this does anything differently or more effectively than the current controllers. We get that it's got additional MEMS accelerometers that supposedly bring the relationship of motion and gameplay to a more 1:1 ratio. It worked well enough. We guess. Wait, what's the deal?

    We had booth rep to explain why we needed the MotionPlus for Sports Resort. Not just because the software requires it, but why it NEEDS it, and not just a regular Wiimote. We were told that with previous Wii Sports games, players could kind of get by with a waggle (this is where he started gesticulating with some what random movements), but now you could play all this crazy stuff, like swords and jet skis. But there was absolutely nothing here that felt like it couldn't be accomplished with the regular Wiimote -- or what the Wiimote originally promised it would do. So if it is more accurate and effective in real space, why not just improve the Wiimote experience instead of trying to hock another $30 accessory? As of right now, we'll pass.

    Photographs of the Motion Plus add-on here

  2. #2


    I'm surprised your speaking so poorly of this. i think its very exciting and pretty neat. I was initially very upset with the wii's controls. Don't get me wrong i think they were intuitive, but didn't deliver quite the way i thought they would. The wiimote certainly doesn't notice subtle movements, and certainly not everything you do. but if you watch the video of the woman and the tennis racket or a video of swordfighting onscreen looks exactly like what the player is doing with the remote. it finally looks like we will have real 1:1 motion. Besides ign said miyamoto pretty much told them that the add-on would be built into the remote soon. anyways, i'm definitely excited for it.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Hmm... gizmodo seems to think differently:

    (check the impressions of the guy actually playing the game and trying to fool the thing)

    I think Engadget {cough: joystiq} are sorely biased, or at least, have biased posters.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by nambit View Post
    Hmm... gizmodo seems to think differently:

    (check the impressions of the guy actually playing the game and trying to fool the thing)

    I think Engadget {cough: joystiq} are sorely biased, or at least, have biased posters.
    I don't think Engadget is biased, just confused. They, like many others, thought that the Wiimote could already do all this. Some deceptive marketing by Nintendo? Perhaps. Then again, the big-N never said the Wii had 1:1 response in the first place. We all just assumed it from watching the commercials. So who's to blame here? Probably everyone.

    And as far as Gizmodo goes, read their article more closely. They're not happy with WiiMotionPlus either and have the same concerns as most others. Namely, that it's two years too late and that it's going to severely divide the market.

  5. #5


    Mixed reviews. Not a good sign...

    Part of me wants this. Part of me thinks games won't use it.

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