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Thread: Do you need the internet to play Star Trek Online?

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games Do you need the internet to play Star Trek Online?

    via Computer and Video Games

    Cryptic Studios has posted an FAQ for its recently announced title, Star Trek Online. While some of the questions are useful there are a few classics in there such as 'Will you need an internet connection to play Star Trek Online?' Surely that's not a frequently asked question. Is it?

    What is Star Trek Online?

    Star Trek Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the Star Trek universe. Star Trek Online will be developed for both console and PC formats. Game features will include customizable ships and characters from the Klingon Empire and United Federation of Planets, ground, space and shipboard gameplay and unique options for player-generated content.

    Will a monthly fee be required to play?

    We haven't decided on pricing plans yet.

    What is Cryptic using from the previous development?

    Star Trek Online is entirely based on Cryptic's design and built entirely using Cryptic Studios' technology and assets. The former studio that we acquired the Star Trek game rights from had a huge amount of concept art created for their game - much of that is applicable, and we are taking advantage of it.

    But Cryptic's engine, technology platform and content pipelines have become so mature that with a small team we can quickly ramp up a project.

    Will there be PvP?

    Yes. We plan for a faction vs. faction PvP ruleset, but there are also plans for a competitive PvE mechanic.

    Full questions and answers here

  2. #2


    Imagine playing this kind of game.. offline. Terrible :S

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