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Thread: Has the Worldwide Credit Slump Hit You ?

  1. #21
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    These are very uncertain times, the cost of basic needs is just outrageous. My workplace is preparing for an extended depression. The future does not hold much promise.

  2. #22


    I Live in the US and I only have to say this:

    The crisis the world is facing ( yes the world, if the US economy falls, the rest of the world economy is going to hurt.) is because these bad loans have been happening since the invention of credit. The only difference is that people had jobs to pay these loans. Now that they don't, what a surprise, they can't pay for the loans.
    Last edited by fpcreator2000; October 12th, 2008 at 01:24.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Legend
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    Its tougher to get a decent job and even tougher to just get your foot in the door at a spectacular job nowadays. I'm not really sure I care much though. I don't pretend to know and understand all the reasons this is happening. But greed and over-population have their place that is for sure.

  4. #24
    DCEmu Legend Eviltaco64's Avatar
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    I'm going job hunting again tomorrow.
    Hopefully I'll find something, even when the economy is as unstable as it is now.

  5. #25
    Computer Scientist gutbub's Avatar
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    Being a college student, this surprisingly hasn't effected. I'm still broke, and still have the same amount of loans to pay back after I get out of school. People who cry about this are the people it should effect. Don't blow money you don't have on stuff you don't need. Also, finding a job is not that hard, it just might not be where you want to work.

  6. #26
    DCEmu Rookie
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    "Why do you think the government to blame?"

    Easy, deregulation of the financial industry caused us to be where we are today. The government took away all checks and balances in the financial sector meaning wall street could run wild and issue as many risky loans as they wanted without any oversight whatsoever. Had there been government regulation and standards set in place for all loans (ie, making it illegal to give a loan on a $250,000 house to someone who makes $12.00 an hour) we wouldn't be where we are now with billions of dollars in defaulted mortgages.

  7. #27
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gutbub View Post
    Being a college student, this surprisingly hasn't effected. I'm still broke, and still have the same amount of loans to pay back after I get out of school. People who cry about this are the people it should effect. Don't blow money you don't have on stuff you don't need. Also, finding a job is not that hard, it just might not be where you want to work.
    well that might be in the AZ but here in LA finding a job is getting ridiculous. Work is work, I have no preference in jobs so I have been applying at burger joints, factories and gone to those $#@!ty agencies and still nothing.... I have a clean record and a good resume and that still doesn't help.

    I have heard word on the street that if McCain wins this election there are going to be riots. People are getting desperate/anxious and anyone with half a brain knows Cain is gonna bite the dust and leave us with that idiot of a VP.So I have been wondering

    What are Conservatives Conserving?

  8. #28
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Easy to answer who's to blame. Ultimately "the people" are for allowing their governments/financial institutions to have/use a credit system in the first place. Not sure how it works overseas but here in the US it's pretty much designed purely to give the rich breaks and the poor engorged bills. Stick to cash, it's the safest bet, and don't trust it to banks.

  9. #29
    Computer Scientist gutbub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pibs View Post
    well that might be in the AZ but here in LA finding a job is getting ridiculous. Work is work, I have no preference in jobs so I have been applying at burger joints, factories and gone to those $#@!ty agencies and still nothing.... I have a clean record and a good resume and that still doesn't help.

    I have heard word on the street that if McCain wins this election there are going to be riots. People are getting desperate/anxious and anyone with half a brain knows Cain is gonna bite the dust and leave us with that idiot of a VP.So I have been wondering

    What are Conservatives Conserving?
    Well in that case, I'm sorry. I guess what I said doesn't apply to everybody in a bad situation. Pretty sad when even $#@!ty jobs aren't available.

    In regards to president election. Being that I'm from Arizona, I want McCain to win. I would have no preference, but I watched the news when Obama's "mentor" was interviewed. His mentor believes in "black theology." Think of it as black nazis. Not cool, I don't care for racism. Off topic now, so I'll end my post here.

  10. #30
    DCEmu Regular
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    Quote Originally Posted by FOL View Post
    That has to be the stupidest comment ever in the regards to not caring. Sure there are other countries who are poor and have starvation. I do my part, in regards to charities.

    So lets break it down. PAY MY MORTAGE FOR ME, and I to will not care either. If I wasnt being made redundant, then I to would just carry on my merry way.

    @Wraggster was this topic wise.
    Sorry I was drinking that day lol and was in a bad mood
    Last edited by Mc_Logical; October 13th, 2008 at 09:12.

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