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Thread: New PSP manager application - Need extra developers

  1. #1

    Cool New PSP manager application - Need extra developers

    Hi there,
    I'm developing a new application to fully manage the PSP from a PC. At the moment it allows you to see the homebrews you have installed, to rename and delete them, to hide the "corrupt data" icons or to push them to the bottom of the list, to kxploit a 1.0 eboot (making it work under 1.5 firmwares), and to do a couple more things. All these functions can be performed through the nice graphical interface the program has.

    It's programmed in C, using the GTK+ toolkit. I'm developing it under Linux, but it should run with no problems on Windows and other operating systems. The code will be released under the GPL, so it will be free software.

    It's got no name yet (at the moment it is dubbed "SukkoPSP", but I definitely need a better name), and I was thinking about PSPCenter, PSPManager, X-PSP, gPSP, or something like that.

    I haven't released anything to the public, yet, because many things have still to be implemented, and I don't have enough time to spend on it. Therefore, I'm writing this post in the hope that someone will be interested in the project and will join me with the developing, so that we can make an all-in-one program (which is still lacking under Un*x systems... apart from QPSPManager, which uses the qt toolkit).

    Here's a screenshot of the program as it is at the moment.

    If anybody is interested, just reply to this post, email or contact me through ICQ/MSN, as you prefer. I'm also open for suggestions about the name the applications should have .

    Thanks for your attention!

  2. #2


    How about "PSP Explorer"?

  3. #3


    Actually my app would like to be much more than a simple "explorer" . Thanks for the suggestion though!

  4. #4


    Well that was just the first thing that poped into my head. After checking out the shots, it seems to be what it looks like in a way. Also that's a simple name that people can relate to and understand (like PSPCenter, PSPManager also) I think when the name somewhat identifies what the program does users are more likely to feel comfortable with and remember the program. Names like "X-PSP" and "SukkoPSP" sound cool but get forgotten easier (no offence) If you go for a combination I think it works well also. Like "SukkoCenterPSP" or "SukkoManager". Actually I think there are way to many programs out there with "PSP" in the title just because they are PSP programs.

  5. #5
    PSP Flash Coder IndianCheese's Avatar
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    OOOOH Now that is hardcore! Keep it up!

    How about PSPBrewStation?

    And one more thing; add a built-in PBP unpacker/repacker/SFO editor. That would roXor my soXors!
    You don't need to know my mental status. You probably don't want to, either.

    September 5th, 2005:
    Quote Originally Posted by F34R
    There wont be a N64 emu on the PSP. Not one that is playable anyways.
    Need LocationFree help? Send me a PM!

  6. #6


    The PBP unpacker is already there, and working. Repacking code works as well, but there are no hooks in the GUI to use it, so it's only used by the kxploit functions at the the moment. A similar thing happens for SFO: they are read but cannot be modified, so far.
    All of this was necessary to extract the icons and names of the installed homebrews, as you can see in the screenshot.

    BTW I guess many people are interested in my application and would like to use it... I'll do my best to improve it, but I'd definitely need some help :/. I can write the core fuctions, but someone should take care of the GUI. It's made with glade (+libglade), any glade-guru's out there?

  7. #7


    The warm welcome my application had on the various PSP forums made me willing to do my best to release it soon. Today I've worked a bit on it, and I've added autodetection of the drive the PSP is mounted (works on both Linux and Windows) and done some bugfixes. Besides, I've also introduced a savedata viewer, through which you will be able to manage (well, actually delete, what else? Backup maybe) the various gamesaves. I've also compiled the thing under Windows, with little effort, and here's a new screenshot for all of you.
    The "push down corrupt data icons" feature doesn't work on Windows at the moment, because it's lacking the glob() function, but I'll try to find a workaround for that (glib will help ).

    Still I haven't found another developer, so come on, all you volunteers out there .

    Hope to post more news soon!

  8. #8


    I just decided to give the world access to the program, happy?

    For the moment I'm only giving out data to access the Subversion repository, but I'd like some people to try to compile it and report their impressions and suggestions.

    All Linux users need to get the code is Subversion (AKA svn). Just type:
    svn co svn://
    and in a few seconds you should have a local copy of the repository. Then do:
    cd sukkopsp
    automake -af
    make -f Makefile.cvs
    ./configure --enable-debug
    cd src
    Please note that you should *NOT* use "make install", but run the program from the build directory. Actually "make install" should also work, but then you need to drop the "--enable-debug" during configure. Anyway I'm not making any guarantees that it will work this way (yet ).

    Before running the program you should connect your PSP and mount it, so it will autodetect the mountpoint.

    You should also be able to compile it under Windows, at least using MinGW. Just grab an SVN client and try. Anyway I'm planning of releasing some Windows binaries soon.

    On both Linux and Windows you will need the following libraries:
    - gtk+ >= 2.0
    - glib >= 2.0
    - libglade >= 2.5

    But all of these are usually installed in a standard Linux distribution. At the moment you will also need autoconf and automake, but again, they should be installed everywhere. On Windows you should grab the runtime environment from

    I'm waiting for suggestions of features to be implemented. Oh, and please note that MANY things don't work yet (the first which come to my mind are PBP repacking, SFO examining and EBOOT.PBP editing), so don't report about that .

    I hope you will enjoy my work!

  9. #9
    PSP Flash Coder IndianCheese's Avatar
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    Hey! Could we please have a beta? My cursor is already over the Delete button for Sei PSP Tool!
    You don't need to know my mental status. You probably don't want to, either.

    September 5th, 2005:
    Quote Originally Posted by F34R
    There wont be a N64 emu on the PSP. Not one that is playable anyways.
    Need LocationFree help? Send me a PM!

  10. #10
    GP2X Coder/Moderator
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    Jan 2006
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    Nice job, looks extremely cool. Keep it up

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