News/release from Maxthe best:

Hi everyone.
I'm just releasing an early version of my new homebrew: The Game Of Life: Sound Of Life.

So, basically, this is a game of life obeying to Conway's law, with just 1 cool feature added: this one can generate sound (the sound of life ).
So, here are the functions and controls:
-At the beginning of the game, a life pattern is randomly generated. You can renew it pressing Select.
-You can change the pitch of the sound generated by pressing UP and DOWN
-You can change the shape of the generated sound by pressing Square for square waves, Circle for Sin, and Triangle for Triangle.

And that's it for the moment, but more is to be coming, like:
-Possibility to create your own life pattern/edit it during the evolution.
-Possibility to pause the evolution (and check for example how many generations have happened since the beginning)
-Load known patterns, such as gliders, canons, or whatever.

By the way, I'm pretty sure one game of life already exists, coded in lua, but well, I wanted my own, and I'm sure that this one has a bigger matrix which can make it more interesting. (here the matrix is about: 2300 cells big.).

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