this is no lie but how ever the winner gets a 256MB CF card and a superpass sent by envolope to their house from the UK all you have to do is create a browser for the DS that can be compatible with Superpass DS that looks like internet explorer for window but portable enough to fit on the DS's two or one of its screens this will be a 2 and 1/2 month project for whoever wants to take it up just email me with your entries at: [email protected] the compo is till in development but you have the choice to start now if you so wish check on this site for more updates on the compo and some intresting info on this browser:

iam not yet decided when this will end but it surely have already started u should also email me some screenshots of your browser and iam hoping for a April 10th deadline but i will keep many posted if i ever change this date to be sooner or later!!! happy coding.

MONAUG5 Creator and manager of MofireDS and DSinter the internet browser for DS

remember one has a dream,many have a common goal