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Thread: Game Retailers Hurting Themselves With Digital Distribution

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    General games Game Retailers Hurting Themselves With Digital Distribution

    GameBiz recently had the chance to speak with Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock, about pricing and distribution within the games industry. Wardell follows up a bit on the Demigod piracy fiasco from a few days ago, and mentions that retail outlets may be on their way out.
    "Retailers need to be careful about this stuff. They're kind of signing their own death warrants once they push digital distribution at the store. Once you have the thing set up — once you've experienced how to purchase the game or deal with it online — why would I go back to the store for the next purchase? Especially if the store isn't providing added value. If you're a retailer, you're killing yourself. If I can't get a game off Impulse, I'm going to Steam. I like stores, but I'm really lazy."

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro osgeld's Avatar
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    um exactly, why the f would i buy a game online and then drive to the store to pick it up, one or the other

  3. #3


    I prefer tangible goods over online product. I also prefer face-to-face interaction in a store where I could take a look at the product (new or used) before making the purchase.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by fpcreator2000 View Post
    I prefer tangible goods over online product. I also prefer face-to-face interaction in a store where I could take a look at the product (new or used) before making the purchase.
    I agree, besides you can't download a used game... you'd have to pay full price. :-P

    I stop by the game stores whenever I'm out shopping just to see if there's anything new on the shelves that I didn't hear about online. Sometimes it's just easier to browse in a store than it is to search for things online.

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