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Thread: Which Next Gen Console, Interests You the Most

  1. #11
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Obviously PS3, because i will have all that i want (Best Graphics, The mayority of Best Games, and Retro compability)

  2. #12
    DCEmu Rookie
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    the new personal computer 382385726 has me most interested

  3. #13
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    nintendo... cause im too old to be playing some games... and Nintendo is the only company that takes pride in making fun and creative games. plus i think sony and microsoft are evil empires. Im sorry.. but nintendo's the most interesting.

  4. #14
    DCEmu Regular
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    do u really beleave the ps3 will be more powerfull than the x360?

    the next console i wait for is the revolution...

  5. #15
    DCEmu Newbie
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    ps3 will be much beta than xbox 360
    xbox 360 has rubbish graphics and i prefer keepin my ps2 and waitin 4 ps3 then havin a 360
    plus ps3 will have much beta games like killzone, mgs4, gta, gran turismo, MoH, getaway, tekken, motorstorm etc
    i dont no ne1 whos got a 360 but i no loadza ppl who r gonna get the ps3
    ps3 will be the best next-gen console by far

  6. #16
    DCEmu Rookie
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    honestly, i'm tired of the super complicated games and the $ONY BS. I just want to play mario so i'll get the revolution. nintendo does have the more fun games.

  7. #17
    DCEmu Newbie
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    The PS3 is what im waiting for

    The control Pad on the new Nintendo looks like it could be put to good use.
    The problem is the recylcled Super Nes games they bring out for it wont use it.

    I do hope that they put it to good use, I suppose I am a sony "fan boy" as they say, but I still give other things a chance. If good games come out that use it I'll invest in one.

    No to the 360 bill gates has tooooooooooo much money

  8. #18
    DCEmu Pro b8a's Avatar
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    Wow, I'm surprised there are people here thinking exactly what I was... The Revolution (surprisingly) is the one I'll be most interested in buying. Not the most technically advanced of the three by far, but Nintendo's policy of making game machines that are "just" game machines is starting to pay off, in my opinion. A lot of recent games for the PS2 are so bloody complicated that by the time you figure out how to play them well, the whole excitement factor has dropped off completely. By contrast, even recent GC games are much like the old first generation NES games, just pick them up, have fun, and put them back down. Also, Nintendo has a nice track record of making games that are fun sharing with friends and family. I find that, anymore, most of my time alone I spend working as opposed to playing games, so the most game playing I've done in the past year or so has been with friends on multiplayer GC games. It really looks like Nintendo is going to capitaize on this concept with the Revolution.

    But, other than that, the PS3 is my de facto choice. The PS3 doesn't really excite me (the PS2 still hasn't lived up to it's full potential), but I think that it will end up getting a lot of great games, so I'm sure I'll end up getting one, but probably not untill it's been out for more than a year. XBox sounded like a joke from the first moment I heard about it, and even now with the 360, I just can't get excited about it. I hear a lot about how popular it is, but I don't personally know anyone who's in to it. The only person I know who has a XBox stopped using it after three months and it's just been gathering dust since. That's an expensive paperweight(!_!)

    But, honestly, now that portables are becoming just as good as consoles, consoles are in no way a priority with me! Who wants to play a game that they have to put down everytime they leave the house, when they can play one that they can take with them? Bring on the cell-powered PSP(!_!)

  9. #19
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default 360 and revolution all the way

    im sorry, but to all you sony fan boys out there who drink up facts about ps3 being so godly powerful. yeah perhaps it is more powerful? but have you seen the system specs compared to the 360? theyre barely better! and theres proof on gamespot.
    yeah perhaps ps3 will support 1080p, but who has a 1080p tele? seriously. sony try to be clever by releasing different disc formats, look whats happened to UMD!

    whats with the controller?

    The xbox 360 is a decent console, ok. so maybe it hasnt had the best start. but, look at the online features. its fantastic. Xbox live is the most advanced online system ever. Sony has no experience in online gaming.

    The only reason PS3 may win is because of the fan base. The ps2 sold because of the ps1. the ps1, hands down, was fantastic, but the ps2 suckered off that. Any decent game thats come out on ps2, maybe bar Final fantasy, has come out on xbox or gamecube. I like the psp because it can be hacked . so i can play NINTENDO games on it. I dont actually play on the psp games that much. ok, maybe gta or wipeout. but seriously...

    And whats happened to the release date for the ps3?
    christ, its like waiting for half life 2...

    and that wasnt even as good as it was hyped out to be.

    Perhaps i am lenient toward nintendo and microsoft, but i can seem to recall. none of the consoles i have by nintendo or microsoft have broken down.
    ooo... ps2... give it a year... GAH! DISC READ ERROR!

    so before you playstation fanboys start drooling over the george forman griller, think again.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    What's the point of the Revolution? It's pretty much pay to play emulators, which is the stupidest idea ever. I like Nintendo (I own all of their cardridge based systems,) but lately Nintendo is trying to be innovative and not let the innovation come naturally. I would have to chose the 360 because many of the planned games excite me. I'm not saying that the PS3 is bad, I might buy one when it becomes cheap, but I'm just not interested in their games. Plus, my PS2 broke down, so I would feel nervous buying a PS3 on lanch date. What I don't like about Sony is that they aren't improving the controller. All of the screenshots of PS3 games aren't actually the games in action, they're cutscenes. By the way, 360 graphics don't look bad if you look at screenshots of some of the newer games (Fight Night, Elder Scrolls.)

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