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Thread: The DCEmu Network Public Interview (Question #4) - Whats the Greatest Console Ever ?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    General games The DCEmu Network Public Interview (Question #4) - Whats the Greatest Console Ever ?

    To those who dont know what this is ill let you in to what this is.

    This is a rather unique experiment if you like of a public interview of up to 40,000 people who are members of the DCEmu Network. We are all here for the love of homebrew and gaming and so the questions will be based around that subject.

    Heres question 4

    Whats the Greatest Console of All Time

    Well if like me you have had consoles for the best part of your life this is a really hard question.

    But for me the greatest console ever was and still is the Snes or Super Nintendo.

    The amount of truely awesome games has never been replicated on any system since, it had great games in every genre and didnt just rely on fancy graphics but it still had great graphics. if i was to choose a second fave console then the Xbox would be next followed by the Dreamcast.

    Whats your Favourite Console of all time ?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie Paiku's Avatar
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    BOOO for xbox!

  3. #3


    I would have to agree with Wraggster that the snes, for it's time, was the best system. Great ground breaking graphics, and great games. But, if I was going to choose one system to own, for the rest of my gaming career, hands down Xbox. Since I can play Snes, Genesis, Neo Geo, and more on Xbox, the choice is obvious. The Xbox is like a gaming survival kit. If you were stranded on a desert island....., you get the idea. Alot of the gamers are all excited about 360. I have no real urge to buy one, and I own a 51" high def TV.! The price is too high, and the amount of games, right now, too small. I am so happy with my Xbox, even the 360 isn't that appealing. And I havn't even mentioned XBMC yet! Xbox rules, hands down.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro The_Ultimate_Eggman's Avatar
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    Easy no contest really the NEO GEO - AES nuff said though not widley supported in europe this has to be the king of consoles.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Old Pro The_Ultimate_Eggman's Avatar
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    ps how many post's b4 im not classed as a newbie lol?.

  6. #6
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    I'd say SNES, too. But maybe that is because I have so many childhood memories with it.

  7. #7
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    ps1, it was when gaming really boomed although the snes was very good too.

  8. #8


    Whats the Greatest Console of All Time ?
    Tough question!, if you were asking about hardware sales, game quantities and quality, then some research would give an answer.

    For me the greatest console would have to be the SNES purely for the enjoyment it gave whilst the kids were growing up. As a historical console, if it hadn't been so successful, the early collaboration between Nintendo and Sony would not have happened, the PSX wouldn't have appeared, the contenders for the crown would not have appeared, and it's probably safe to assume that the console gaming world wouldn't be as good as it is today.

    What's your Favourite Console of all time ?
    The Dreamcast, but I was always going to say that wasn't I?

  9. #9


    My favorite console would have to be the 3do by panasonic. It had some pretty good games, like gex, pe'od, wolfinstein 3d and of course lemmings.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Regular Jonesyxxiv's Avatar
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    I would have to say N64 because the games where awesome.

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