News via Nintendomax

DreamIsland offers a BMP viewer on DS, "Eagle" in the version 0.9, which displays an image BMP 1/4/8/16 or 24 bits.

The Eagle program to display an image in BMP format which pixel color is encoded on 1,4,8,16 or 24 bits.
For against, it does not display BMP images on 32-bit encoded or compressed.

It will display all images containing up to 768 kilo pixels (1024 * 768). For larger images, the program displays only the central part of the image containing pixels and 768 kilo red letter P (= partial) appear to the right of the size of the image.

The program begins with a list of directories of BMP images. The selection of a directory, using the stylus or buttons, displays thumbnail images and then selecting a thumbnail displays the image on both screens if necessary. If the image is larger than the size of a screen, it is possible to move and reduce up to 20%.

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