Kasumi has updated his entry into the Neoflash Summer 2009 coding comp:

Nickname: Kasumi
Projet name: Lakeside
From: United States
Division: PSP GAME
Support Motion: NO
Original entry: YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO

General Description

Lakeside is a project I've been working on for a while now. I couldn't get a full demo done in time, but it's a nice map editor right now. It's mostly about decision making.

A video of one of the maps.:

A video of the sprite Editor:

There are videos of other parts of the map editor, but they're much different now.

There are two included maps, Mapset 0, map 1 is a way to see the tiles in each set. Mapset 0, map 2 is my script test room. (After you load it, you have to disable the map editor to talk to the sprites in it. You can't talk to sprites with the map editor active as it would make it much easier to lose unsaved work.)

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