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I present the application created by the coder Dark_Santi call Themetool. Themetool is a tool that can help us improve our PSP modding since install gameboot, volume bar, keyboard, etc.. A very good application that will help us put our good chula PSP, editing without a PC. We carry on the Memory Stick Gameboots, volume bars, battery ... and the change them to our liking since the console itself. In this latest version is deployed ThemetoolStore, if it works soon in may download content to flash console from our own application. Candidate Scenery Beta 2009.
Author: Dark_Santi.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Before using this application, I strongly recommend that you pass you by this news. Everyone must have a copy of your PSP's NAND.

We will manipulate files in the flash of your PSP, so it is recommended 100% to back up the flash0 of your PSP (REQUIRED READING how, no hidden folders) on your PC. Thus we return to our previous state, if the changes we made have led us to a problem.

Themetool is a tool that will help you install / change:

Volume bar.
Battery icon.
XMB waves.
Background color of the XMB.
They can also change the Opening_plugin.rco.

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