Mighty Max has again updated his RTS Project for the Nintendo DS, heres whats new:

* fixed a tree sorting bug introduced with the 20.05.06 version
* modified guilayer->Close() to actually remove the layer from the gui (mem save)
* fixed GE_TIMER not passing GUI on event
* fixed: wrong stack & link register shown on crashdbg

* speeded unit enumerating functions and reduced stackload
+ added first gui implementation for menu's
* ip settings are no longer hardcoded
+ ip settings are now loaded from & saved to "net.conf"

* fixed darkenscanline did randomly (wrong flag-check) not modify the first pixel

+ new map option VIEWPORT=(x,y) to set the starting viewport
+ added internal volume control for soundstreams (for upcoming options menu)
+ added internal volume modifier for all effects (max effect volume)
+ added custom gametimers (in preparation for time caused events)
+ new map option MAPNAME= to name a map (will be shown in multiplayer or saves)
+ started to work on the hosting list

* fixed all compile warnings (no more compiling spam )
* fixed a long searched error in the sorted tree. (possible invalid return of GetBrother())
+ added more test functions to multiplayer test. (atm IP & Such are hardcoded according to my test environment)

* fixed timing issues with streamed sound/increased the rinbuffer size
* added more failure checks to streaming, new control functions (Stop,IsPlaying)
* fixed a mode wrong wifi mode while scanning for APs
* if the game finishes, the current sound stream is stopped (it endlessly looped the last cache before)
+ The multiplayer test should now be able to associate to any not wep-protected AP

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