On http://www.luaplayer.org you can get the new version 0.20. It is updated to Lua 5.1, there are some bugfixes and a new function for loading images from memory. I'll try to add pspgl the next week.

The changelog:


updated for gcc 4.1 and Lua 5.1. Some things you need to change for 5.1:

change table iteration code: "for i, value in someTable do" to "for i, value in ipairs(someTable) do" (but use "pairs" for tables like "t={foo=bar, foobar=99}" and "ipairs" for tables like "t={foo, bar}")

it's pure Lua 5.1: no binary operators and double as number type (e.g. now you can use one number for storing IP addresses)

Sound.load doesn't crash any more on invalid filenames

fixed problems with daylight saving time

Font:getTextSize fixed. Test case:

proportional = Font.createProportional()
test = proportional:getTextSize('some text')
assert(test.width == 39)
assert(test.height == 6)

blit operation from screen to image works now, e.g.:

screenrint(10, 10, "hello", Color.new(255,255,255))
image = Image.createEmpty(480, 272)
image:blit(0, 0, screen, 480, 272, 480, 272, true)

and now you have an "image" with the text "hello"

TTF font plotting to images now sets the alpha value to opaque, so you can write e.g. something like this for buffering texts in images:

image = Image.createEmpty(400, 200)
proportional = Font.createProportional()
proportional:setPixelSizes(0, 16)
image:fontPrint(proportional, 0, 20, 'Hello', Color.new(0, 255, 0))
screen:blit(0, 0, image)
screen:blit(3, 3, image)

new function Image.loadFromMemory for loading images from memory:

jpegFile = io.open("test.jpg", "rb")
data = jpegFile:read("*a")
image = Image.loadFromMemory(data)

PNG and JPEG is supported and autodetected

image-to-image blitting now uses alpha full blending [Callum Bethune]

System.rename(oldName, newName) for renaming files and directories