Martha Stuart is taking a break from crocheted Christmas tree trunk warmers and her 8,000 recipes for cider to talk, of all things, how her fans might read content on a tablet some day. And then she dropped this:
"The tablet planned is NOT a kindle as we know it."
The Tweet followed two other posts that also dealt with tablets ("interactive, full color" she says). They're kind of cryptic, but if she's anything like the New York Times or Conde Nast then she might be talking with a certain company or companies about magical newspaper/magazine-saving tablets too. No surprise. Here are the other two:
"Would like more comments on reading colorful magazines on a tablet reader- new improved, very interactive. will you use such a device??" AND "Serious question: how many of you will read magazines on an electronic tablet(interactive-full color) within two years? three years?"
Martha, Martha. What have you seen and when do we get instructions on how to create handmade protective sleeves out of yarn for it? [Martha Stewart - Thanks, Johnsie]

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