New special offer from Play Asia:

The most wanted man in the universe slams into gaming!

Become Rid$#@! and break out of the galaxy's most deadly prison in this compelling 1st person action experience - The Chronicles of Rid$#@!™: Escape from Butcher Bay.

Set before the events of both Universal Pictures' upcoming summer release, The Chronicles of Rid$#@!, starring Vin Diesel, and the 2000 breakout hit Pitch Black, which first introduced Diesel as enigmatic anti-hero Rid$#@!.

The game tells the story of Rid$#@!'s dramatic escape from the previously inescapable triple max security slam Butcher Bay, home to the most violent prisoners in the universe.

The ticket to freedom is this week's special. The Chronicles of Rid$#@!: Assault on Dark Athena, the Asian PlayStation3 version is available at an unbeatable bargain price of US$ 19.90.