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PrBoom-plus is a Doom source port based on PrBoom.

Quote: @ 2009-Dec-27
[+]Added the ability to smooth sprites edges ("OptionsGeneralOpenGL OptionsSmooth Sprite Edges"). Might noticeably reduce frame rate. Includes a "gl_mask_sprite_threshold" config variable for the intensity of smoothing (0-100).
[+]Ability to see kills/secrets/items/time statistics in automap mode. Available in the menu at "OptionsSetupAutomap".
[+]Added a "map_use_multisamling" config variable to apply multisampling to the automap.
[+]Added a "movement_shorttics" config variable in addition to the "-shorttics" command line switch.
[+]Added a "gl_shadows_maxdist" config variable.
[+]Added the ability to disable any OpenGL extension via the config instead of disabling all of them with "gl_compatibility" in case your drivers can´t work properly with specific features. The extensions which can be disabled are: gl_arb_multitexture, gl_arb_texture_compression, gl_arb_texture_non_power_of_two, gl_ext_arb_vertex_buffer_object, gl_ext_blend_color, gl_ext_framebuffer_object, gl_ext_packed_depth_stencil, gl_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic, gl_use_stencil.
[+]Added a "-trace_givendamage" command line parameter to trace the latest and total damage inflicted by any specific monsters or players in a level. If a player is selected, its data will be tracked across multiple levels. Available with the Boom HUD only. Usage:

-trace_givendamage ThingID [ThingID] [ThingID]

[+]Added a "map_scroll_speed" cfg variable and GUI setting. "key_speed" doubles the speed.
[+]Added a "sprites_doom_order" config variable for correct sprite sorting. See sectors 99, 115, and so on in Strain.wad map13, for example. This also fixes z-fighting between overlapped sprites in GL mode. [*]Mouselook key and keys bound to game speed change commands do not break cheats being typed. [*]Midi volume is applied to all midi devices when mus_extend_volume is 1. [*]Light level 0 will now be truly lightless with GZDoom lighting mode. [*]Automap grid can now rotate with map (from ZDoom). [*]Now DSSECRET is used when a secret area is found, instead of DSITMBK. The new sound lump is part of prboom-plus.wad and can be replaced through PWADs.
[-]Fixed a crash in software mode at some resolutions when using ´Doom Format´ or ´Fit to Width´ for ´Status Bar and Menu Appearance´.
[-]Now applies fake contrast when using "Fog Based" sector light mode.
[-]Fixed Player´s weapon lighting, that was too dark in GL mode.
[-]Fixed small glitches on Boom HUD graphics in GL mode.
[-]Mouse button now moves camera forward if you have it assigned to move forward.
[-]Fixed software mode bug: if you played a wad with menu graphics big enough to go over the status bar, entering and exiting the menu left a trace of the menu graphic over the status bar. See HR2final.wad, for example.
[-]Flat bleeding on walls won´t incorrectly bleed through walls and floors when motion blur is in effect anymore. This fix requires support of the "GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil" extension.
[-]Simple shadows and transparent textures don´t sometimes flicker anymore when fog-based lighting is used.
[-]Shadows don´t disappear in some situations anymore.
[-]"-trace_thingshealth 0" now works.
[-]Fixed screen shots at resolutions where width is not a multiple of 4.
[-]Fixed slowdowns on Pentium 4 at 1024x768 (introduced in