DIY iPhone apps firm Mobile Roadie is setting its sights beyond the App Store, according to CEO Michael Schneider.
"We’re launching our Android client next month - it’s really great: you can put everything in once to our system, flick a few switches and there it is," he says in an interview.
"I think Android is going to be huge by the end of this year. Partly because of the launch of Google’s Nexus One handset, but there are 20 or 30 more devices in development."
Mobile Roadie started off working with bands to make their own iPhone apps, but has since diversified to support anyone who wants an app - charging a $499 setup fee, then $29 a month to cover hosting costs and new features.
Schneider says the company is also "looking very closely" at BlackBerry and Symbian, but warns that Nokia's strategy is still causing him concern.

"They keep changing their minds," he says. "They have this Ovi Store with Symbian apps, but now they’re releasing a new OS [Maemo] that has nothing to do with Symbian. We’re a small company, so where do we put our resources?"