Did you know that the music you're listening to is literal torture for the sensitive ears of your pet? It's scientifically probably true! My Pet Speaker filters out harsh animal-only frequencies, so you and Fido can jam together in comfort.
The speakers are made by Pet Acoustics, who have previously blessed us with an iPhone app dedicated to music explicitly written for the three most common household pets: dogs, cats, and... horses. Anyway! Their My Pet Speakers take a slightly different approach to serving your four-legged friend's aural needs:
My Pet Speaker features an Omni directional speaker with a 4" drive unit and cone reflector which disburses the music in 360 degrees recreating how animals hear in nature. By producing limited frequencies and featuring a soft bass design for listening comfort, your pets will not be startled or disturbed by jarring volumes and piercing sounds that put them on alert.
That's right! Fido won't be disturbed. Your friends and loved ones might be, though, after they find out you spent $250 on a speaker for your pet. [Pet Acoustics]

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