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Ced-le-penguin realizes the stable version 0.4 "Micro Lua DS Simulator" that could be described emulator coded in lua projects with Micro Lua DS Risika. Indeed, Micro Lua DS Simulator can run on PC projects by simulating the Lua interpreter Micro Lua DS.

And here's the final version 0.4 of MLS! Very Happy


* OpenGL is now the display mode by default mls.ini
* OpenGL problems resolved: most white rectangles instead of images or distorted images, or FPS unbearably low (on older graphics cards fro in OpenGL rendering software). If you're still having problems with OpenGL, including pause, take a look at the file mls.ini it contains additional options for OpenGL
* Screen.drawTextBox () now supports the newlines
* New window "keyboard shortcuts" in the Help menu (or Ctrl + K)
* Zoom: in some cases, return to 1x zoom was not done
* Zoom: changing the zoom is disabled when it is fullscreen
* The configuration file is provided mls.ini instead of mls.ini.dist (the user should rename)