There's few things we like more than spanking our plank of a morning here on CVG, and sometimes we even follow it up with a spot of Guitar Hero as well (badumtish!). However after playing the original 'till our fingers bled, we're more than looking forward to additional axe-wielding mayhem with the advent of Guitar Hero II later this year.

You should too, given this array of fresh screens which have just erupted into our Friday morning, suggesting part deux will be even more saucy looking than GH I - we can almost see the queue of groupies stretching around the block, as we lovingly caress screaming melodies from our axe of justice. Ahem.

Still, pretty screens aside, GH II will undoubtedly be all about the finger-numbing, axe-shredding gameplay and we'll be warming up our digits with some Satriani-like arpeggios in anticipation of GH II's debut this very November.

However, if you haven't already checked it out, the official Guitar Hero website is well worth a visit, with great links, pics and a community of fellow shredders to shoot the breeze with. You can even upload pics of yourself wielding the axe in your best god of rawk pose! In the words of Spinal Tap's rock legend Nigel Tufnell, this one will undoubtedly go up to Eleven.

Screens and News at CVG