Additional trophy sorting and 3D gaming readiness should have been enough to satisfy and PS3 owner after the latest v3.30 system update (hey, at least it didn't take anything away this time) but there's a couple other surprises in store. If you're the kind of person who loves (or hates) their beeps and bloops, there's a toggle for Bitstream Direct (output audio with the original digital signal prioritized) or Mix (mixed with sound effects such as button sounds and then converted to bitstream format) on Blu-ray movies, while future VAIO PC owners can get a taste of remote play without any PSP intermediary. Other, unconfirmed, reports include updated Flash compatibility, enhanced region free Blu-ray movie playback, the usual complaints of bricked or otherwise busted consoles as well as erroneous claims of an updated EULA that maintains Sony can update your PS3 whenever it wants (newsflash - it's always said that.) Sure, you can always wait for a custom build from Geohot instead, but we've got a Fat Princess to rescue.