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Thread: PSP/XBOX360:Humble Microsoft, no-so Sony

  1. #11
    Fidei Defensor Basil Zero's Avatar
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    Sony should allow homebrew, because whats the point of paying for games that you could get anyways from

    I'm not talking about ISOs btw, i am talking about roms like snes and nes.

  2. #12
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default magical technology

    I think Sony's fear of homebrew and emulation goes far deaper than copyright infringement.

    I believe sony feels most consumers assume new technologies are unique and untouchable (ie- it is not possible to learn how they are programmed).

    By playing emulators, sony fears that a giant sector of the consumer market will become aware that new consoles are not so much a cut above the rest and they too can infact be tapped into with relative ease.

    Sony seems to be very concerned with implying that we need their technology alone in order to progress in the modern world.

    It's all a little bit scary, and i think their grip on market domination is loosening as folk learn it's not so.

    i agree with the article and think Sony need to rethink their strategy. The best route to take it to give consumers total freedom to do what they will with the technology, after all, they have payed a huge sum of cash for it!

  3. #13


    interesting (I thought) copypaste from the slashdot discussion:

    From the XNA FAQ:

    Q: How exactly can I share my 360 game to other 360 users? Will my game only be available to people with the XNA "Creators Club" subscription? Will it be available to all 360 users that have an Xbox Live account?
    A: There is currently no supported way to share binaries on the Xbox 360. Currently, there are four requirements that must be met in order to share a game targeting Xbox 360 which is developed with XNA Game Studio Express.

    1. The individual you are planning to share the game with must be logged in to Xbox Live and have an active subscription to the XNA Creators Club
    2. The receiving user must have downloaded the XNA Framework runtime environment for the Xbox 360
    3. The receiving user must have XNA Game Studio Express installed on their own development PC
    4. The game project, including all source and content assets, must be shared with the receiving user. The receiving user then compiles and deploys the game to their Xbox 360.

    It's not quite what people are thinking.

  4. #14
    PSP Coder
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    Quote Originally Posted by nonarKitten
    As posted on Gizmodo today, Microsoft will be making development on the XBox 360 available to just-about-anyone for a small subscription fee, as well as being able to play other homebrew developers' creations.

    This is in stark contrast to Sony who since the inception of it's ill fated PSP has done everything possible to stifle homebrew development in the name of defending against piracy. Ironically, considering it has failed as a movie and portable media player and is falling ever further behind the Nintendo DS in games, perhaps Sony's destroying the last market interested in the PSP.

    When consoles have existed solely ON the basis of homebrew development (the GP32 and it's successor) and have done moderately well with only a fraction of Sony's marketing muscle, it's a wonder if Sony is simply being paranoid about piracy, and denying one of the most original and creative sources of software and game development?
    Jesus man, Will people stop being stupid for a change.

    PS1 & Ps2 both had officialy released hardware & software to allow homebrew developers. Hell sony even went 1 step further and had contest in japan which would land the winning team funding and resources to make their game a comercial release.

    Sony has been alot more suportive of homebrew then people give them credit. I even bet you that if we never figured out how to hack the psp, sony would have eventualy done the same for psp, hell there is rumors that they plan to after the ps3 comes out.

  5. #15


    sony likes to copy from MS but i dont know about this and yes sony needs to get their head out of their ass.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Newbie Galiano's Avatar
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    sony know full well about the homebrew scene and i believe that off the record they're reasonably happy about it, it sells machines.
    it seems to me that the major updates that close exploits were released to combat iso loaders( fair enough ) and homebrew was the victim.

    if more homebrew sites were like this one and banned hosting and talking about iso's and iso loaders then i don't think sony would have a problem. fact is when a coder like say fanjita finds a way of running an unofficial programme on psp a less respectable coder will find a way to run pirate copies on it, forcing sonys hand.
    and considering the money they spend on development, they can't afford to let piracy become rampant on psp.

  7. #17
    DCEmu Regular slayer2psp's Avatar
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    sounds good lets hope someone makes a boat racing game havent been any since the dreamcast aqua gt and hydro thunder

  8. #18
    DCEmu Old Pro mr_nick666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSmonkey
    Jesus man, Will people stop being stupid for a change.

    PS1 & Ps2 both had officialy released hardware & software to allow homebrew developers. Hell sony even went 1 step further and had contest in japan which would land the winning team funding and resources to make their game a comercial release.

    Sony has been alot more suportive of homebrew then people give them credit. I even bet you that if we never figured out how to hack the psp, sony would have eventualy done the same for psp, hell there is rumors that they plan to after the ps3 comes out.
    Interesting... It will be nice if $ony let homebrew run wild and free! (No more crazy firmwares!)

  9. #19


    actually they dont make money off of selling machines its the games they really make money off of it so they getting screwed either way that why they trying to lock us down i mean would you like your system to be known as you just need to buy the machine and never spend another dime again i mean look at all the emulators can play thousnads of classics on the go. Sony doesnt want that.

  10. #20
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by PSmonkey
    Jesus man, Will people stop being stupid for a change.
    Well said man. Think for yourself people. One guy posts that the PSP is dying and then you all start fearmongering and believing it. Something like 20 million PSP's have been shipped worldwide. I would hardly say that it is dying. Stop listening to the microsoft propoganda and start thinking for yourself. Don't believe everything you see on TV or read on the internet.

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