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Hacker team successfully cloned PSJAILBREAK, now improving the shell code...

According to Mathieulh via Twitter, he and his team have successfully cloned the PSJailbreak dongle.

When asked "Will you be releasing the files now?" - Mathieulh responded "Not yet, we plan on improving the shell code first, we have no interest in releasing yet another clone"

See the twitter feed here for the source:

Doesn't look like there will be long to wait until the ingredients to make your own will be available, just upload to programmable USB chips and cook on gas mark 5 for 30 mins...

Update: Mathieulh has now stated "We are not releasing anything, we didn't just rip things off, we know how it works ,the clone is just a proof of concept, we plan on documenting"

Update 2
Mathieulh wrote: The exploit will be documented on the ps3wiki as soon as possible (we need to write up the whole article, will take a bit)

You can visit the Wiki here:

Just to clarify - it's looking like this will be a documented proof of concept, once it's read and understood it should allow those with the appropriate technical skill level to recreate it on their own. In other words, it's essentially useless.