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Thread: Google gives free Internet to entire home town

  1. #1

    Home/News Google gives free Internet to entire home town

    Google Inc. on Wednesday plans to offer free, high-speed Internet access to everyone in its Silicon Valley home town — a hospitable gesture that the online search leader hopes to see spread to other parts of the country.

    The new wireless, or "Wi-Fi," network, is believed to establish Mountain View, Calif., as the largest U.S. city with totally free Internet access available throughout the entire community, according to both Google and city officials.

    St. Cloud, Fla., a suburb of Orlando with a population of about 28,000, had claimed that mantle earlier this year after it launched a free Wi-Fi network.

    About 72,000 people reside in Mountain View, an 11.5-square-mile city located about 35 miles south of San Francisco. As the home to major companies like Google and VeriSign Inc., Mountain View's daytime population can swell above 100,000.

    "We aren't concerned about being able to handle the load," said Chris Sacca, a Google executive who oversaw the Mountain View project. "We think we have built a pretty cool, robust network."
    Similar Wi-Fi networks are under development in many other cities, including Philadelphia and Chicago, but most of those envision charging for Internet access.

    Small pockets of free Wi-Fi access — often called "hot spots" — have become increasingly common throughout the United States, often cropping up in downtown districts or by coffee shops and fast-foot restaurants hoping to lure in customers.

    Google's community-wide network has had Mountain View buzzing in anticipation, said City Manager Kevin Duggan.

    more via MSNBC

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro SSaxdude's Avatar
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    I read about Google giving free internet to San Francisco a while back.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend Video_freak's Avatar
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    I don't know if I'll get it? Crap, no, I don't.
    I already have high speed anyways...

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