Research from the NPD Group has found that boxed physical sales still account for the majority of US dollars spent on game software - but not by much.

Total consumer spend on new physical video and PC game software in the first half of 2010 came in at $3.7 billion, representing 60 per cent of total sales, according to the firm.

Used games, game rentals, subscriptions, social network games, DLC and full digital downloads accounted for the remaining 40 per cent, worth $2.6 to $2.9 billion.

NPD analyst Anita Frazier said: "While the new physical retail channel still generates the majority of industry sales, our expanded research coverage allows us to assess the total consumer spend across the growing number of ways to acquire and experience gaming, including social networks."

A number of the industry's leading publishers have attempted to combat pre-owned sales in recent months by only including access to features like online play in new boxed copies of their games.

EA pioneered the one-time code in the area, implementing its controversial Online Pass across its sports portfolio.

Ubisoft has publicly supported the idea, whilst Activision has admitted that it wants to "limit the supply" of content in pre-owned games - so that it can take a slice of revenues from second-hand sales.

THQ told CVG earlier this year that it believes second-hand sales "cheat" developers out of income.