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Thread: PSM unveils two-thumbstick, 8GB PSP?

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    psp PSM unveils two-thumbstick, 8GB PSP?

    Gamespot have done a rumour control article, here it is in full:

    Source: Posts on Joystiq and EvilAvatar citing an article in the October issue of PSM.

    The official story: Sony had not responded to requests for comment as of press time.

    What we heard: This week's big rumor comes courtesy of a series of blogs, such as Evil Avatar and Joystiq. Both sites reported that the latest edition of PSM--which touts itself as America's only "independent" PlayStation Magazine--had rock-solid news of a PSP redesign.

    According to both sites, the October issue of PSM contained an article announcing that a new PSP will ship in March 2007, have 8 gigs of built-in flash memory, sport a slimmer form factor, include a built-in camera, and have two--count 'em--two thumbsticks!

    Though news of such developments sounded like the answer to many frustrated PSP owners' prayers, it turns out it was premature. GameSpot's super-secret investigative unit took extreme measures and went out and actually bought a copy of PSM.

    On page 34 (pictured) of the magazine is the article, titled "The Next PSP Comes Together," that many sites cited as gospel. However, the piece is actually largely speculative. It says that a new, camera-equipped PSP is "expected" next March, but doesn't give a source. It mentions "numerous reports in the semiconductor press" regarding Sony buying large amounts of 8GB flash-memory units--presumably the same reports mentioned in Rumor Control back in February. Nowhere does it say that the new PSP will have 8GB of memory, only that such a move is "likely." The addition of two thumbsticks is mentioned in a clearly marked "if we retooled the PSP" subsection listing changes the PSM editors would like to see in a PSP 2.0. However, the article itself says such an addition is unlikely.

    The PSM article does cite "PSP developers who have been briefed on Sony's plans" as saying that the handheld will have "a high degree of connectivity" with the PlayStation 3--something Sony has stated publicly on numerous occasions. Also, "sources familiar with its development" confirmed the new PSP would be "thinner and lighter" than the current model. However, that’s all the article said was set in stone, and PSM is upfront about the rest being speculative--not that such distinctions make a difference in the blogosphere.

    Bogus or not bogus?: Bogus.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie Gredler's Avatar
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    I figured it was bogus when they said two thumb sticks. The notion of Sony re-releasing PSP with added interface that is not able to be added through peripherals is absurd, unlike the addition of internal storage and camer. An additional thumb stick would eliminate a certain degree of cross-compatibility with PSP1, and I doubt the PSP is old enough to have unplayable titles relased for a PSP2. It reminded me of rumors of GBA 2 with 4 face buttons, for a system elemenates cross compatibility there needs a significant upgrade. Internal storage, thinner profile, and a camera do not seem like upgrades worthy of a thumb stick's compatability repercussions.

  3. #3
    PSP User JD/'s Avatar
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    ill be upset if it comes out since i only bought my psp less than a year i go i wont believe it till sony says its real plus it will have 3.00 anyway probably a ta-082 motherboard aswell

  4. #4


    Why isn't it possible to put another thumbstick on a redesign?
    The Playstation 3 will play PS1 games, yet the controller has a bunch of new features, The PS1 games simply do not know how to utilise them... So they don't.

    All they need to do is release a firmware upgrade that lets you map X [] /\ O to the new thumbstick...
    Coded arms, for example could then take advantage of it... Sure the face buttons would then go to waste on a game like that, but you would get a second thumbstick!
    Unfortunately, if they make second thumbstick compatible games, they wouldnt be able to work in the PSP1, or buttons would go to waste if they did...
    It would be too hard to maintain.

    Best idea is to wait. Bring out a PSP2, that IS NOT a redesign, with a second thumbstick, and it's own PSP2 UMD games, that utilise the thumbstick. It should be backwards compatible with the PSP1 games, but PSP2 games should not be expected to run on the original PSP. Just like when they bring out a new backwards compatible console. No one expects PS3 games to work on the PS2, so the PSP could get away with it. Solve all problems.

    I think...

  5. #5
    DCEmu Pro
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    "GameSpot's super-secret investigative unit took extreme measures and went out and actually bought a copy of PSM."

    Lol, I find that funny.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Rookie havoc_012's Avatar
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    Sony is the kind of company that would completely change the interface of a controller that makes some previous games incompatible:see Dual Shock for PS1.

    Sony won't pack in 8gig of memory because they can make you buy 8gigs worth of proprietary memory sticks instead. Basic economics.

    And when they say thumbsticks, they better be COMPLETELY redesigned becuase, to put it kindly, the original PSP thumbstick sucks.

  7. #7


    Would it be possible to have Ipod like controls?

    Like 2 circles on you PSP, that you just rub you fingers on in the direction you want.. It'd stick with the slim design, etc, but I guess it would make gaming kind of bizarre and not as responsive as we need...

    Still an idea though

  8. #8
    DCEmu Rookie crackkills's Avatar
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    Also sony might be able to make games backwards compatible with the psp1 by just giving you an OPTION of different controls for each version

  9. #9
    DCEmu Rookie drew4237's Avatar
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    i dont mind the original psp anolog stick it works for me. i would like a second one but it wont happen. i would much rather have a keyboard even if i have to pay for it, also i would liek the location free player to be cheaper

  10. #10
    DCEmu Legend ACID's Avatar
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    I just want a cheaper location free player.

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