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Free Heroes2 Engine is a free implementation of Heroes of the Might and Magic II engine using SDL.

SVN - up to r2044

Nov, 15, 2010
+ Fixed: mixer sound interrupt
+ Fixed: focus::center, fixed ultimate artifact draw positions
+ Fixed: when an army of monsters on the grond and close by hero chipmaster on sea
+ Fixed: resurrect spell - count, animation, status info
+ Fixed: update AI engine
+ Fixed: save gui position and scroll maps offset
+ Fixed: status bar info for castle and pocketpc vers.
+ Fixed: twice attack after paralize stats

Nov, 1, 2010
+ Fixed: localized date/time string (load/save dialog)
+ Fixed: scroll and left click for pocketpc
+ Fixed: initial double spell book (occurrence possibility)
+ Fixed: battle move troops
+ Added: "battle speed" settings
+ Added: new hotkeys engine, added fheroes2.key
+ Fixed: battle retreat/surrender with captain
+ Fixed: temple - protects from participation in battle