Last Friday, on the heels of Sony's hurt feelings over Apple's rejection of the Sony e-reader application, speculation rose that Sony may withdraw the music it currently makes available through iTunes. Michael Ephraim, Chief executive of Sony Computer Entertainment, stated in an interview that all options were on the tablet with regard to the future of Sony music and possibly pulling it from iTunes.

Less than one week after Ephraim's controversial statements, Sony is officially sidestepping those comments and reiterating its cooperative aims with Apple. "Sony Music as I understand it has no intention of withdrawing from iTunes," said Sony Network Entertainment Chief Operating Officer Shawn Layden. According to Silicon Alley Insider, Layden considers Apple "one of our biggest partners in the digital domain." Regarding Ephraim's harsh words last week, Layden added, "I think those words were either taken out of context or the person who spoke them was unclear... [Read More]