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JungleFlasher 0.1.79(208) BETA
* PhatKey Support
Support for Lite-On key extraction, Using Pógó Mo Thóin DIY probe or Xecuter Probe III.
Thanks to Maximus & Co for the un-released original concept.
Full PMT Guides: here
* Hitachi Support
Gui changes in Hitachi:rive area.
[Refresh] in Winapi no longer scans for new hardware
[Scan] added to scan for new hardware separately
[Remove] removed, but added to context menu for convenience
JF will accept system message about new drives added, JF will auto refresh list for new ODD.
* x360USB Support
Initial support for x360USB added – More to follow at release
LibUSB is required, if you dont have LibUSB installed, LibUSB0.dll is required to run JF. Correct file is included and should be copied to JF folder if needed.
* PortIO and other DLL’s
We followed schtroms lead and embbed the Portio .sys files to load from temp folder. Other required DLL’s have been embedded also. For those using Test signed drivers in x64, PortIO load function checks JF folder for existing files and uses those if present.

PMT (Pogo Mo Thoin) Tutorials
Now anyone can use this method, you’re not tied to just one device or manufacturer so thanks again to the guys at Team Jungle for releasing the schematic for everyone to enjoy. Includes updated step-by-step how to make your own guides and how to use with the new Jungle Flasher v0.1.79 so you can now easily extract your liteon 83850V2 and 93450 DVD Key without cutting traces and no soldering required.

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