Ctr-Gcs-DacoTaco-Edition 0.1 released by DacoTaco

Ctr-Gcs : DacoTaco Edition is a tool built to create or restore full, raw memory card backups and GCI save files just like the GC application Ctr-gcs did. These dumps can be saved to restore later or be used in emulators like Dolphin-emu. Unlike ctr-gcs however, this utility can read or write to unofficial memory cards; no matter what its size is.
The program will read & write the dump to the SD card (in the ctr-gcs folder) as card_dump.raw
Also please note that if you restore a corrupt dump to a memory card, or if the program shows an error while creating or restoring a dump, you may end up with a corrupted memory card.
Todo list

  • Fix CARD_Create error -6 (failure to create cause previous delete didn't free the allocations correctly) on GCI restore
  • Do another attempt to get nintendo cards working flawless (no need for GC game or SM to unlock card)
  • Make code nicer to look at
Download here